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Everything posted by bensonhedges

  1. It might be worth voicing your complaint to the men at the top? Chief executive Roy Ellis Key directors Finance director: Sean Curran Sales and marketing director: Neil McLeod Contact Inventive Leisure plc 21 Old Street Ashton-under-Lyne Lancashire OL6 6LA Tel: 0161 330 3876 Fax: 0161 343 7144 E-mail: finance@inventiveleisureplc.com Website: http://www.inventiveleisureplc.com
  2. Ah bless Rich - accepts he'll never be a mod but likes to keep his hand in.
  3. One more time for anyone who might have missed it - "If it seems too good to be true......."
  4. Take 500 grams of deluxe, some strong cheddar and fresh white bread.....I'll get mi coat
  5. Hair by Christmas are excellent for more "off the wall" styles - they put excellent dreadlocks in for me a few years back.
  6. I've seen a usb hotplate type thing that keeps a mug of coffee warm for ages so it's not beyond the realms of possibility. Have you tried http://www.iwantoneofthose.com (.co.uk?)
  7. I accepted a caution for possession of weed in 1992 and went to New York this year on the visa waiver - no problems at all. I think you'll be fine.
  8. You don't believe in us huh? Hi honey, I'm home.....
  9. Anybody who's interested in all of this should read Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_b/203-4635028-5835946?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=fast+food+nation
  10. If they all hung themselves on the third day there would be much less overcrowding.
  11. Yeah, and when you decide to join us in the real world, you'll find that people have always borrowed and always will. Are you gonna save up until you can buy a house in one go? To quote your example, a £100 car will require many more repairs than a more recent one and that costs not just money but time off the road and inconvenience also. Cars aren't just about image, airhead, theyre also about mum getting the kids to school safely and getting single women home without breaking down and exposing them to some of the lowlife who roam our streets. Think before you type, mate.
  12. Classic!!! You should be a gay man with put-downs like that up your sleeve!! (And it's no more than she/he/it deserves).
  13. Well it's just capitalism isn't it? If there's a market for this type of loan (and there obviously is) then some enterprising company will fulfil that need. That's business folks. I'm not saying I approve of how these companies operate but take a minute to consider the alternatives to our capitalist society - I know where I would rather live.
  14. Actually I like McLaren's Fans also - maybe I like opera after all...?
  15. Opera does my pipes in , yet I quite like "The Phantom of...". I also don't feel anything for old scratchy blues. Apart from that pretty much anything else is good.
  16. It takes the average person around an hour of medium intensity aerobic exercise to work off a standard sized mars bar. To suggest someone can eat "whatever you want" and simply "go to the gym" is either pre-supposing an entire life spent in vest and shorts, or quite dumb.
  17. I used atkins for a few months, lost a stone or so, stopped and put on around two stone, and I know others who have had the same experience. I have been doing weightwatchers since last august and have now lost three stone. The weightwatchers plan fits in more easily with day to day existence and has worked better for me - might not be everybody's experience though
  18. My mum always used this - I love it - reminds me of sunday dinners when i lived at home.
  19. I love all of mine, like someone else said they're a record of some of my past. They are kind of addictive though - was only ever gonna have one (five now).
  20. I notice Anthony "Ant" Hinchliffe himself isn't there - wonder why?
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