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Everything posted by captainwood2

  1. Even if it was milk Apple wouldve just swapped it out for a set fee for a new machine.
  2. I have a friend who uses livedrive, check them out they were very good for his needs and i know he uses more than one pc on it. Just not sure of his costs though.
  3. It is indeed 3g i would suggest phoning up vodafone and ask them to send you the correct settings for the ipad as they may be different to the ones required for the dongle?
  4. I use dropbox its not the cheapest but its software is excellent
  5. Correct if you are VAT registered you must charge VAT and it is the customers job to claim the VAT back from the revenue if they are eligible.
  6. It may be worth your while trying to contact local computer shops or business that are in need of the role you are looking to fill?
  7. as i said its a hope however long lost and silly it may be
  8. a 40gb limit on infinity option 2 is crazy low give them a ring and upgrade your package if your going to be streaming alot of videos the unlimited option is probably best
  9. I have tried Win 8 on a spare machine and while the OS runs really nice a smooth and is quick i just cant stand the user interface "metro" they are trying to hide critical parts of the OS and make it more difficult for users to find and do things within the OS. i for one will be sticking with windows 7 which is in my opinion the best OS microsoft have ever produced. It does seems to me they are attempting to copy Apples model which works well for them, but on my PC i want easy access to the file system and as already stated i do NOT want a million apps all shouting for my attention in the middle of my screen. Trust Microsoft to make some thing that runs really well and then break with an interface that only works well with a touch screen and is awful with a mouse and keyboard. I would like to see an option to choose between the new interface and the original start menu and desktop, if that was possible i would recommend it as if you wanted the new interface you could have it but it you preferred the task bar and start menu you could have it with out modding your whole UI. As far as it goes with windows 8 its looking like i will be skipping this one as and hoping the next version is a return to the incremental updates and a return to the start menu and task bar i am used to and love.
  10. I have infinity and all I can say is it has been terrific I get full speed constantly and would recommend it to any one!
  11. Ccleaner and programs like it are vastly over rated at giving your system a performance boost to the point where it is basically lies they do however have other uses which are good. If you have not done a defrag for some time try that first also look at what programs are starting up with your computer as they are the two more usual problems that slow down your pc.
  12. ill give you a game some time alltho i havnt been on my ps3 for some time as i usually play at my mates, I will dig out my psn id and we can arrange something
  13. Perhaps a better question would be what does sheffield do to get noticed?
  14. i have my business with axa they are very good never had any trouble
  15. any suggestions for other games too? i used to play a fps called warrock its free 2 play and we could set up a sheffield forum clan etc? any other suggestions from any one?
  16. lol i prob need a bit more notice than tonight unfortunatly but i am defo up for this!
  17. 700 pages from the toner cartridge of that price seems quite bad i would look for one with a higher out put from a cartridge of that price the dell one which i have gets more like 2000 pages and is around the same price.
  18. I would say however, if the OP would like a printer for alot of text based documents etc then a laser would be best i would probably look at one of the low end Dell or Samsung lasers. I have had a Dell 1110 for the last 3/4 years and its still going strong, infact prob the best printer i have ever had!
  19. in recent years the Kodak printers have got alot better i have both a hp and a Kodak printer and both perform really well. Kodak have applied for bankruptcy protection, basically stopping them from going brankrupt while they restructure there business. The printing part of there business is actually one of the few parts making money so i imagine that will be around for a very long time even if its sold off etc.
  20. look at kodak printers the inks for them are £20 for black and colour its very good when you consider epson are about £50 to replace all
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