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Everything posted by Hummybabe

  1. Yuck made me and the OH sick when we had some from there, there's one at crookes that do lovely fish and chips for a decent price too, its not the admiral its the other one that used to be called Bolehill Fisheries
  2. Not on that plan but i'm was on E-ON for gas at my old property, they sent me a bill for£78, not a huge amount, but still, it was for dates i wasn't even in the house and the metre was pre pay so how on earth they got that amount to bill me for is beyond me, seems like E-ON are billing people for energy that they don't even use
  3. I'm on facebook, keeps me in touch with my family & friends and i like to play the games on there too
  4. Haha what you on about? i know this forummer and he is definately in his 20's and his name isnt Daz, think you might have got the wrong person there pmsl :hihi:
  5. Last night my son went in the bath and as he was filling the bath up a trip switch popped went in the down position, so i put it back up and thought nothing more. Today however i was filling the bath up again for myself to go in and it did it again so i went downstairs to flip the switch back up and i heard water in the kitchen.... I went into the kitchen and water was pouring out of the lights. I gotta ring the housing up but can anyone tell me if its still safe to use everything else in the house like sockets, light switches upstairs, etc until its sorted? i feel very paranoid about it. Thanks.
  6. I got this game and its ok but very similar to wii sports, with a few extra activities, dont know what the fuss is with the motion sensor though
  7. Was a brilliant night, got down there on tram no problems, coming out i got out with no problems and got into my taxi, i was back home at 11:20pm
  8. Cheers i'm sure i will have a good time, just dreading getting there sounds horrendous looking at the other thread about the traffic, etc
  9. Awww giveover you lot she's a nice lady , if she wants to sing in the streets thats up to her, its harmless really....
  10. I seen her in my area, she usually says 'bless you child, have a good day' to my kids, i saw her outside wilko's last week aswell.
  11. Is that the woman who carries a portable player around with her singing religious stuff?
  12. Most recent pictures: http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp323/hummy_babe/DSCF0180.jpg http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp323/hummy_babe/DSCF0181.jpg http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp323/hummy_babe/DSCF0182.jpg
  13. So this problem is not anything major then? phew thought something serious could be wrong, i will reinstall windows.
  14. I did text around 10.45 because i had so many timewasters on here last night that my old pc and phone remain unsold hence i couldn't afford to pay anything out, i get paid again tuesday but i wanted this sorted today that's why i ended up having my first ever go at trying to do it.
  15. Is this all setup correct? below are some pictures of the inside of my pc. http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp323/hummy_babe/100_2286.jpg http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp323/hummy_babe/100_2285.jpg http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp323/hummy_babe/100_2284.jpg http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp323/hummy_babe/100_2283.jpg http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp323/hummy_babe/100_2282.jpg http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp323/hummy_babe/100_2281.jpg There is a small white connector that is not connected but i am not sure whether it needs connecting and i cannot see anywhere where it would go, it's sticking out on some of the pictures. Also when the pc starts it says cpu unknown press F1 to continue.
  16. Thakyou for your help and advice, my ram is new so doubt it would be that, how do you clear the bios? i am running xp home, would i need to reinstall.
  17. Something is not quite right, is there much chance of my motherboard/processor blowing? it turns on but just before it gets to windows i get a blue screen for a second but not long enough at all to see what it says and it restarts then does the same thing again.
  18. I am just putting a pc together and i am almost done but i am a little stuck, i am in the process of putting in the wires for the front panel and on the diagram in the manual says this:- PLED PLED PWR GND IDELED IDELED GROUND RESET The wires are labeled but why do these wires go in side by side rather than up and down? Also i cannot find anything saying Ground or GND can anyone help?
  19. I have recently bought a new hard drive, the thing is i have lost my windows xp disk, i have set my new hard drive to master but my old hard drive doesn't have one of those black things in the back where you set it to primary/slave etc so what can i do because i want to have both hard drives installed as i have lost my xp disk.
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