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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. Did you find any in the end? I've not looked in the Chinese supermarkets yet but if you knew it would be great!
  2. They tried to give this to my mum back in the '70's with my brother and she was having none of it. Tastes gross and has a laxative effect like no other. They have fancy new induction drugs (or other more fun things to try... curry etc!) that are much safer!
  3. Have a look here. Three stores on the list for Sheffield.
  4. It could mean that baby isn't getting enough nutrition from the placenta. They measure the size of baby's head, thigh and abdomen to check to see if the baby is growing as it should. Abdominal circumference is an important indicator of growth.
  5. What about getting driving simulation course from the RAC? You don't have to be 17 or have a learner's licence.
  6. Have you thought about temping or working part time in an office? This is a great way to get experience. My tip for getting temp jobs is to say you're willing to give anything a go and try to be as flexible as possible.
  7. We have one and he seems to be pretty happy. He likes to hide in the bogwood or behind the filter during the day and by night magically cleans the tank. He's cute!
  8. You don't have to worry about him being any less of a 'boy' when he's neutered! Mine is unbelieveable, the cutest happiest cat when the cat flap is open, but when it's shut!... Grumps around the house, thumping down the stairs and kicks us off our own sofa! No joke! Total boy! And neutered at 5 1/2 months. Awww... he's sweet.
  9. Three weeks old! No mummy, left in a wheelie bin There's a fourth but the person who found them let a little girl hold/keep it for a bit and she never came back. So that one needs to be found too as it's way too little to be by its self. She only got them this afternoon. I'll never understand some people
  10. We just took some food round for her. Jackie and the kitties are just lovely! More food definitely needed and kitten food too. Donations to at least allow some heating for the sheds as she can't afford to at the moment. Poor little things.
  11. Where is she for delivery or is there a donation bin anywhere?
  12. Indian pizza hut is fab!! I've not had anything similar in this country. Good luck looking and let us know if you find anything!
  13. I went to our vet with our cat who is so stinky, bless her, and I am convinced she has IBS! She's very timid and her fur can look tatty at times and she can trump for England and clear a room ! The vet laughed (she has nooooo idea!!) and just said she needs sensitive cat food (eg Hills Sensitive etc). We don't give her too many pouch treats as it seems too rich. I suspect whatever you're feeding her isn't right for her delicate tum, perhaps you should look to something else to feed her?
  14. Whatever is beside Chiquitos wasn't open when I went a while ago. It may be that one. Why don't you pick another one?
  15. When I was younger I had a wee rescue kitten at 6 weeks who'd lost her mum. She was definitely not right behaviour-wise bless her. She would sleep on my head and kneed it all night (ouch!), she'd also try to eat my hair. She was super timid and super nutty. I wouldn't have paid for such a young baby from a 'breeder', I would have come back to home empty handed.
  16. We got three new guppies yesterday and they were all fine yesterday. We did everything you're supposed to when introducing new fishies to the tank and the nitrites/ates are perfect. We have two timid gouramis too. One little guppy is hanging at the bottom of the tank just about moving. He looks fine skin/scales-wise and even his tail isn't too ratty. Do you think the move was just too stressful for him? The other two still have the guppy 'live fast' attitude and are ok. What could it be?
  17. Try to find the last insurer, they will help. Or I mean last underwriters.
  18. It's hideous, don't go! We saw a girl using drugs down an alley then promptly collapsing and my mum was nearly mugged by a couple of lads on a scooter. We only stayed one night. It's dirty and smells. Italy is beautiful, Naples isn't!
  19. Awwwww....! Poor Porscha!! She must be bad poor thing. Hope she gets better soon!
  20. I think most gastric bands are done privately, although there are some done on the NHS. You've got nothing to lose by going to ask. They may be able to help you with other treatments too.
  21. You're right, but panic averted, we managed to get the door panel off and the window is back up. It wasn't as easy as google made out though... It was a stressful procedure! I hope poorly window stays up now!
  22. They will come and secure it but it'll be £110 as it's mechanical. Just thought there might be a better way!
  23. Hi, does anyone know any garages open late?... nowish? It's a glass problem but not covered by insurance!
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