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Everything posted by clinteastwoo

  1. Well you must be one of the few people in the country that don't see a connection between immigration and the population expansion. The words Farage used are there for you to see, you can twist them to be racist if you wish but it was a factual statement and one that you can not dispute unless you presume the rest of us are really poor at maths and when you add numbers together it means an overall increase in the original number and more so once you take into account pro creation. Its easier to deny climate change than it is to deny immigration = population growth.
  2. Naw don't be daft. You fill it up with water, everyone knows that
  3. I just Ebay from China, that way I know the slaves workers that are having a hard time won't be British. Seriously though I never buy from Amazon ever, not even if I end up paying way over the odds elsewhere.
  4. Full your car up with grit from the nearest grit bin, that way you get better traction with the weight and you can get out on the really bad bits and grit the road Or just buy some of those tyres James Bond had where the spikes pop out, but do this in November as they may be out of stock.
  5. You can take anything out of its context to mean what you like. As he was talking about the population booming then its fair to say that its not what you were making it out to be.
  6. That's great, can I have all my money in loose change as I need to grit my drive
  7. Don't you just miss those old public service announcements, the ones where they told you how to cross a road ect ?
  8. If only. Its when the main road and only bus route anywhere near you does not even get done is when you wonder if we could have possibly sold them all to Leeds.
  9. I wasn't for it but now I am thinking ID cards is the only solution to this mess. That is if they actually arrest and deport those not fitting the bill and are without one.
  10. Guns have no place on the streets, if you feel the need to shoot something then get a Licence and do it legally.
  11. As I said... http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showpost.php?p=10818995&postcount=25 Tighten the lot up.
  12. If you can find a flaw in the statement though we would be happy to hear it. Isn't that peoples problem though with UKIP, they speak what's obvious to most ?
  13. No but it is white and fluffy, doesn't everyone feel a little gay when its snowing ?
  14. I say get out of Europe and tighten the lot up. To those who quote our 'dependency' on immigration should have more faith in ourselves and our ability to do it alone. Sure it may be tuff short term but being dependant means its always tuff so standing on your own feet as a nation can only be good once the tethers of dependency have been torn. Its only ever Politicians and the people making money from the cheap labour that scare monger into us sticking to the dependency anyhow because they fear short term failings in the economy, Break the cycle and see that what we can actually do rather than listen to the doom sayers.
  15. Amey have a notice up saying they will be out again gritting. What do they mean 'again' ?
  16. Ill bet there's a glue out there that you could use and stitch it, anything made can be repaired is my motto.
  17. Tax payers security guards then ? But if they are not paid by First then I don't see why they should be checking tickets. That said I have only noticed them on certain routes where a certain community catch the buses, maybe its to maintain social cohesion and not have one group of us kick off at another for flouting rules and behaviour we normally take for granted.
  18. Yeh sure its all in their minds eh ? Then Mecky comes along about Nigel Farages name having the coincidental initials NF and the reality of the percussion is there for all to see.
  19. Your probably correct, what's the difference ? Are PCSO's paid ? ---------- Post added 27-12-2014 at 14:30 ---------- I thought it was a crime if one was reported, I see them doing spot checks and don't find one person with a dodgy ticket which to me is like checking peoples doors and windows to see if there has been a burglary.
  20. Seven grave stones may be better, makes is sound more morbid. Meadowhall, the grave stone of the town centre. The Castle market, a grave stone of a real market going back donkeys years. Sheffield Airport, a grave stone of air travel to and from Sheffield. The Student games - Demolition of Don valley stadium (RIP). Ski village (RIP) The Cooling tower landmarks (RIP) The Hole in the Road, gone but not forgotten.
  21. Bad isn't it. That's the first Twews link I have seen on here
  22. They are getting really vigilant with people using public transport, I have been stopped on a bus loads of times and had a couple of officers check our tickets. When you point out that the bus company is a privatised company and they are paid for by with public funding they get a little shirty and tell you to take it up with someone who cares. So if you pay tax and think the Police should not be working for First buses maybe that's one of you ?
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