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  1. Do 30,000 people go to a funfair all at once? I doubt it. Is the land privately owned? Well served by public transport? Surrounded by the infrastructure that large vehicles need for bringing stages, toilets, barriers, food stalls? What is the evidence that Tramlines has outgrown Hillsborough Park? I've been every year since it moved there, and the site is spacious and doesn't feel overcrowded by the festival 'infrastructure' (stages, toilets, food areas, bars etc).
  2. The Business and Trade Committee have been looking in to the collapse of the company. Key points of the committee meeting are being covered by the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/business/live/2023/nov/28/wilko-collapse-rescue-deal-mps-doug-putnam-lisa-wilkinson-gmb-business-live?filterKeyEvents=false&page=with:block-6565e45d8f08e51ddd4b27c9#block-6565e45d8f08e51ddd4b27c9. This is a live update, and the link might not work at a later date.
  3. I've donated toys to Helping Yorkshire Poundies before. They are on Facebook. The kennel is in Brinsworth. Or the RSPCA Shelter at Attercliffe.
  4. I would guess that a care takers role is more full-time/longer hours. Whereas a cleaning job can be more flexible, with potentially shorter hours. This would enable this job to be fitted in around other responsibilities, such as child care or caring for other family members.
  5. Yes, the site in Chapeltown is very quiet and is not noticeable at all. The only time I notice it when I hear the dogs barking when I walk in the park.
  6. Thanks for this. I was thinking of heading over there this weekend for a walk.
  7. How many helicopter crashes have there been in the UK in the last year? I don't remember hearing about any.
  8. Yes, the debate is probably 'opening up', in the comments pages of the Daily Mail/Express. In reality, a good dose of common sense is needed by all.
  9. The ULEZ/CAZ fits with central government policy (at the time). Clearly, parking on pavements isn't.
  10. Have SCC done that? Some of the Tory Councils (Thurrock) have. Central Government have long pushed for Council's to sell off capital assets (houses and other buildings for example), however, once this asset has gone, it's gone. Tongue firmly in cheek with my comment. The amount raised from bus lane fines last year was a drop in the ocean: https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/politics/council/sheffield-bus-lanes-city-council-raked-ps2m-bus-lane-fines-last-year-ps5000-day-4224461
  11. TBH (I do not like being a Tory apologist..)., I don't know if the COVID related borrowing equals the amount which Gordon Brown had to find after the banking crash in 2008, but it might not be far different. Notwithstanding the poor management of the economy, Brexit, COVID and the Ukraine war, Central Government since 2010, have cut disproportionately more from Local government than from other public services.
  12. This is the full article which The Star is quoting from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66428191 Unfortunately, the Tories are to blame as they have been in charge since 2010.
  13. Don't forget Councillor expenses. They are a huge drain on SCC's budget.
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