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Everything posted by Naive

  1. So. If I have this right, you are nostalgic for the days when people had opposing views. At the same time, you are objecting to people expressing opposing views to your own. Sounds reasonable.
  2. Not at all. What this thread has really shown, is that there is a sub-set of fans from both teams, who are unable to discuss important issues in a grown up manner. Sad really.
  3. Watch “The men who stare at goats” instead then. That’s how I spent this snowy afternoon. A very odd, but compelling film. Jon Ronson’s books are worth a read too.
  4. There isn’t much more that you can say to someone who just keeps on repeating themselves. In the end you can’t engage in meaningful debate with someone who responds like that. So I stopped trying. But I do sort of agree with you. It could do with a semi-colon.
  5. https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showpost.php?p=11809426&postcount=221
  6. They are direct quotes. They defend the EDL. You asked for proof. I gave it to you. All nice and clear. All in context. I’ve had enough of you now anyway and this thread has had enough of your reluctance to accept facts.
  7. Stop being silly. Anyone with a rudimentary grasp of English can see your defence of them. I don’t need to paraphrase your words as “evidence”.
  8. Fair enough. Quite aside from your passive aggressive posting style, I'll invite you to explain how these posts are not defending them. As for your silly comment about reporting me, be my guest. I'm just saying what I see.
  9. It is a simple task to google the EDL members' criminal convictions. Hundreds of them were leaked onto the net a few years ago. Many others have followed since. It doesn't make pretty reading. Loads and loads of racially aggravated crime, attacks on Mosques, public order offences. Let Dimple defend them if he likes. I expect that nobody is surprised that he is doing just that. For the rest of us, with a normally calibrated moral compass, they are a vile hate filled group.
  10. That’s what intrigues me most about this. From the outside, it looks as though McCabe has been the glue that has held you together after you left the Prem. I think I’m right in saying that he has over £100m invested in the club. That’s a mighty commitment, even for such a rich man. Without him, that spell in League one could have been the end. The switch to a different owner is going to bring change. I’m guessing that McCabe has had a long enough look at the Prince to decide he’s right for the job. Will United fans feel the same?
  11. Oi, less of the sensible please. I’ll be back to winding you all up soon enough. This is too interesting though, a potentially huge step for the Blades. How long has McCabe been the owner for? It seems a long time to me. That sort of stability isn’t to be given up lightly.
  12. Yes, United could aspire to match Wolves. They’ve taken a huge gamble though. It looks like paying off for them. Others have not been as lucky.
  13. As I said, it would be nice to discuss this without the usual nonsense spouted by both sets of fans:rolleyes: ---------- Post added 10-02-2018 at 20:22 ---------- Maybe. It took Liverpool a fair while to become peaceful with their foreign owners, though. And also, to be fair United aren’t ever going to be in the same league as City, Man United or Liverpool.
  14. Thanks for the reply, pc. I asked the question because the club statement seemed a little terse to say the least. All that stuff about a process. The Prince obviously has a lot of financial resources, but would that compensate for the loss of McCabe? If I was a Blade, I’d be casting a wary eye towards Hull and Wednesday.
  15. We can’t. If we do that we’ll be in breach of FFP.
  16. So. The car parks in Sheffield were all full at 8pm. What does that tell you?
  17. So, Grapps. Put your grumpy attitude away a minute and give us some insight. How do you read this takeover, or whatever it is? Is it hostile, or friendly for a start. The language in the press release was a bit ambiguous. If it does go through, will it be a force for good, or not? I’d be interested to hear a few opinions, without the usual nonsense that both sets of fans spout. So come on, tell us what your take is please.
  18. Did you bother the read the bit where I said that I chose the name to provoke the “joke”? Don’t you start
  19. Number 6 and counting You are the sixth person to make that moronic joke about my username. A joke that I deliberately provoked when choosing the name. Well done number 6.
  20. Sorry. You are right, of course. Barnsley market is far superior in every way. The caviar from Peters and Simpson is to die for. Happy now?
  21. I love the Moor market. I hardly ever went to the Castle Market because it was dirty, smelly and in an unpleasant place to access. I go to the Moor often.” The Moor Market is lovely and the Moor is on the up too. Smith and Tissington do fabulous fish and shellfish. If you two misery guts could please stay in Barnsley, the rest of us can enjoy Sheffield.
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