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Everything posted by andil

  1. Yes if it used as a means of transport by a person who is unable to walk as a result of illness, injury, or disability.
  2. 1969 Representation of the People Act extends vote to men and women over 18 http://www.parliament.uk/about/living-heritage/transformingsociety/electionsvoting/chartists/keydates/
  3. This should be the user manual. http://www.clickspares.co.uk/rn/AI/400-6433-400-6433.pdf
  4. I think it was 21 until it dropped to 18 in 1969.
  5. https://eservices.landregistry.gov.uk/www/wps/portal/!ut/p/b1/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfGjzOKNjSxMDA1NjDwsjM3MDTxN3dyNDUNMjQ1MjPWDU_P0C7IdFQG9k5Tz/ For properties you are interested in, you can download: a title register where you can find out who owns the property, price paid/value stated information if sold since April 2000 and any rights of way or restrictions on the land noted on the register for only £3 http://www.nidirect.gov.uk/landlord-registration-scheme
  6. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/4240513/One-pupil-in-six-leaves-school-with-no-good-GCSE.html Why would they need to compete for the best jobs and university places when a fifth of UK jobs only require the educational level of an 11-year-old.
  7. The important bit is that out of all the worlds historical military leaders only one as over a billion followers that revere him as second to God and live to follow the examples he set.
  8. No it doesn't, it shows a net migration figure of between 100,000 and 280,000 each year for the past 25 years.
  9. That's right. Christianity is founded on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and he didn't advocate violence, didn't use violence and didn't lead armies into battle, which would mean that killing must be wrong from a Christians point of view. Islam is founded on the life and teachings of Mohammad and he used violence and conquest to spread the word of Islam, he lead armies into battle that resulted in the deaths of thousands of people. Can you see the difference and understand why groups like IS believe they are just following the examples set by Mohammad.
  10. Apple and Microsoft aren't wealthy people though are they, they are both large companies that have millions of shareholders. Microsoft Cash Flows Statements. Apple Cash Flow Statement. Both disagree with your figures.
  11. Not if you have an hands free device or you need to call 999 or 112 in an emergency and it’s unsafe or impractical to stop or you are safely parked. ---------- Post added 12-11-2014 at 10:19 ---------- Better to be freaked out then to cause an accident that may injure you or someone else.
  12. No I don't, I assume that you think IS are doing something different to what Islams founder did, if you think they are doing the same then clearly IS can't be twisting Islam unless you also think Islams founder twisted Islam.
  13. What is different about what IS are doing now and the wars and conquests that Mohammad lead 1400 year ago?
  14. That's because it was 100% irrelevant to the point that I countered.
  15. He would be allowed in because he would be accompanied by someone pushing his wheelchair.
  16. I didn't say that they didn't have lots of money, I just countered your incorrect assertion that most of their wealth is in banks, it isn't in banks, it is tied up in their companies that employ millions of people and produce everything we enjoy. ---------- Post added 12-11-2014 at 07:03 ---------- Yes I am 100% correct, most of the worlds wealth is tied up in assets, be it a company, an house, some art work. If you collected every single bit of money on earth there wouldn't be anywhere near enough to buy all the worlds assets. ---------- Post added 12-11-2014 at 07:24 ---------- The problem though is that the article says. In the UK's case £69.9 billion is lost on a yearly basis in what the Tax Justice Network call the "shadow economy." That figure, they point out, "represents 56% of the country's total healthcare spend." That's people not paying duty on fags and booze, cutting your lawn and not paying tax, all the Illicit economic activity which exists alongside a our official economy, e.g. black market transactions and undeclared work.
  17. Actually most of their wealth is tied up in companies that employ people and produce the stuff we all buy, it isn't sat doing nothing in bank accounts. If you work 40 hours a week and earn the minimum wage there are 6,519,848,850 people earning less than you, if you have assets to the value of £62,000 then you are in the top 10% of the worlds wealthiest people.
  18. But some immigration is a problem, so why would people that know this change their stance and focus on what you think are the real issues. The real issues are that high levels of immigration are very difficult to plan for regarding public services and housing, it also helps to keeps wage low and unemployment higher than it should be, it increases congestion on our roads and causes social problems in our communities. When people put their differences aside and focus on this problem things will be better and immigrants will live happily alongside UK residents.
  19. But they have also agreed with it. Allyson Russell, Greencore’s human resources director, said: “In Northampton, we do have a problem in that there is very low unemployment. There aren’t enough people around and it is not always the kind of work people have wanted to do.” Russell told BBC Northampton that Greencore recruiters flew to Hungary to begin an eastern European hiring drive. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/nov/10/sandwich-firm-fill-vacancies-factory-east-european-workers It might have been an idea to build the new facility in an high unemployment area.
  20. The interviews I have seen all suggest that they are going out to fight and die for Allah.
  21. Obelix is correct, it is growing for everyone, you could argue that it isn't benefiting everyone and you would then also be correct.
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