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Everything posted by kirkbylad

  1. And plenty of loosers that will do just that
  2. Right.... And those that buy one will still be paying for it for months to come lol
  3. It really gets my goat the amount of money people seem to spend and Christmas THEN moan they have no money in January, i have no sympathy what so ever.
  4. ---------- Post added 20-12-2013 at 07:37 ---------- No this is total rubbish, please do not give out bad advice ---------- Post added 20-12-2013 at 07:38 ---------- Right you must not ignore these now, the advice has now changed, you must do a basic appeal to vcs/excel, they will reject, but then you can use something called Popla and beat them at this, this costs THEM money Look here: http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/forumdisplay.php?f=163 ---------- Post added 20-12-2013 at 07:39 ---------- Right that will be an LBA, you must challange this as they will issue a court claim against you, please ignore the other reply where they say its nothing to worry about, but parking eye can have been beaten a lot now. If you ignore it you could risk getting a CCJ,etc ,so do the following http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/...play.php?f=163 Go on to that link, register and look at that letter before county claim link, Do not delay, do not ignore ---------- Post added 20-12-2013 at 07:41 ---------- No if you look there is one that is me.uk and org.uk one is an old advice site and one is the actualy site. I bet you didnt use legal argument now did you, mitigation never works at popla
  5. Ive never liked the Midland mainline, its really slow ,and always go east coast where i live, just seems a much better service Its always been the poor relation of the (as it was ) intercity services.
  6. Lol at him loosing remission. Most normally sentences they serve half then automatically released after the half way point. This type of sentence is different, it is also NOT a life sentence, I do however disagree with you when you say its disgusting that he should have the opportunity to appeal it, everyone has the right to lodge an appeal against a sentence or conviction, most get dismissed, but they still have the right to lodge one (within certain time styles, although this can be extended with permission of the court of appeal (known as out of time/extension of time) It is a corner stone of our legal system and you cant pick and choose who has what NO matter what the crime.
  7. Why is it disgusting? If the court of appeal view the sentence as manifestfally excessive it will be reduced in accordance with the law. If not it will stay. I am not condoning it just stating it as a plain fact without emotion. I agree the crime is shocking
  8. No plain. His sentence is 29 yrs , at 2/3 he can apply for parole. He may or may not get it, he will then do rest on licence plus the extended 6 yrs licence on top. However I think this sentence will get reduced on appeal
  9. If I was in Sheffield I'd bring a sack of spuds. If you want a donation to buy a bag pm me your details and I'll transfer u a tenner tonight to go and buy a sack
  10. Lets just say its the area where Yorkshire cable engineers used to go in pairs...
  11. he will serve a minimum of 2/3 as he is on an extended sentence, though i expect he will appeal and get this sentence reduced
  12. Big eyes and big testicles ,look in the back of a spoon in the bathroom
  13. I dont know her. But that practice is superb. Adam does a fantastic sports massage
  14. And when ever old people are mentioned ,that really gets annoying
  15. Yes indeed You just hear some of the most mind numbing stuff And i really dislike all the hard luck (who gives a damn) stories
  16. i love untreated milk, its the best Its most widley available down on the south coast and south west, normally straight from Farms, and farmers markets Hmmmmmmmm nice
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