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Everything posted by daz1976

  1. i dont want to get into any arguements on here so this is the last ill post on here but to say your dog is 100% trusted off its lad at all times is the biggest load of ****e ive heard
  2. my dog also lives with cats but no dog can be trusted 100 percent are you trying to say you walk your dog down the road with no lead and you think you can guarantee it is under full control
  3. this is all very true and i good post but i dont think any dog can be 100 percent trusted if dogs came running over to be id be confident my dog would sit and not move if was told to sit and stay,but as with people dogs will only take so much befor they react and you cant say it will not happen with your dog as i cant say it wont with mine
  4. thats fair play ads,i think what your saying is rite my dog is also well trined she has to be as she is a working dog and i hunt with her,i know her recall is excellent i can call her off chasing a rabbit when that is what she is trained to do but as with everything sometimes things go wrong,if you had asked the people whos dogs have killed other dogs and kids befor it happened they also would have probally said their dog is excellent with recall been of the lead etc etc,but it only takes that few seconds i dont beleive any dog is 100 percent trustworthy and they all deserve a little more respect than alot of people give them
  5. if you are walking your dog in the street it should be on a leash walk my dog alover and would not dream of letting her off her leash on main roads were cars,kids are when taking them for a run in a park or woods then yes they come off saying you all have proper control over your dogs when not on a lead is the biggest load of crap ive heard all dogs no matter how big or small or how well trained can snap at kids or other dogs if they wish and their is nothing you can do about it amyrach i have nothing against rottys at all and think they are lovely dogs but nether having your dog on a lead if it saw a cat or felt freatend do you rely think you would have full controll of such an animal
  6. more than likely be a harris hawk,do you keep reptiles or anything that you would have a supply of chicks or mice for? if so or can get any pm me sorry cant help more than that but im in leeds unless would maybe able to bring it in for you as i fly hawks myself
  7. i wouldnt have thought the rspca would have took the dog straight away unless the owner had handed it over or it was in such a ill state,i would have thought they would have advised how to keep the dog and done regular checks to make sure that it was getting treated rite but i might be wrong
  8. i wouldnt have any off them dogs although have nothing against any of them,i like lurchers as i work them i beleive dogs are best of outside if kenneld correctly although my dogs do live in and out
  9. i dont know if its good or bad but like lotti has said its not natural,i keep my dogs to a more natural diet feeding them raw meats alot of people dont like feeding raw with bones etc but i wouldnt dream of giving my dog bread each to theri own i suppose
  10. i dont keep rabbits,was just an idea off top of my head if the rabbit needed cleaning cos it was cold maybe it should have been brought in over noght and if it was so desprate to be cleaned out straight away maybe the op should have just gone and bought the rite materials as their would still be plenty off shops open at the time the post was put on
  11. cant you shread some paper wouldnt that do for over night
  12. can anyone tell me how to join freecycle leeds maybe send me a link cheers
  13. if you cant afford to get your dog back and can wait till monday pm me
  14. a few redmills racer biscuits for breakfast as usaual,then a long walk a few more biscuits for dinner,then a play in the garden a whole raw skinned rabbit and a mixture of part boiled veg for tea and another long walk
  15. i muzzle my lurcher if were down the park giving her excersize she isnt aggresive at all but if she was to see a cat she would kill it without a doubt
  16. sorry to hear that mate as you say it is probally the best thing but it dont take the pain away think of the good times
  17. let us know when your sorted its a mate of mine who lives in barnsley who has them their all spot on he is just concentrating on certain boa morphs now but these arnt advertised anywere as he is in no rush
  18. dont know of any vivs but i know were their is a couple of red tails for sale,a royal a columbion rainbow and 2 emrald tree boas
  19. is their a new indian or chinese opened
  20. no their is not much meat on them but they are very tasty
  21. is it healthy for him to be that size? nice looking rat thoe id say he was 623g
  22. i had to get a doctors letter wrote to an employer once as i suffered with severe depression and the employer wanted to know if i was upto the job,i asked the doctor for a copy which he gave me best of luck
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