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Everything posted by garryn

  1. "Teen cyclist killed in collision" Nice bit of sloppy journalism. Star and a few more had this headline. Which is a bit strange - as he wasn't cycling...... Apparently it happened outside school, one of his teachers had a bike and dropped it to rush over when it happened. Journo's put 2&2 together and ran with the answer 5
  2. Archers been posting her vids for a while, Magnatom in Glasgows posted some better ones. The vids are admissable as evidence although its not happened yet as generally the drivers hold their hands up when they realise its recorded. Originally the cameras were sold for extreme sports. Sales of the cameras are now 4:1 to commuting cyclists.
  3. Instead you've got one more car with only 1 occupant....
  4. Depends what size skip. I called 2 places a couple of weeks ago, asked for smallest skip. They were both around £50. Still ended up doing a tip run in the car
  5. This has just reminded me of a guy I met a few years ago in Doncaster. His parents had been JW and he had been brought up in the faith. Due to this belief that the world was going to end, his parents thought it pointless he study for exams and qualifications at school, just taught him religious studies at home. 15-20 years on, the world was still going and this intelligent guy had drifted through low skilled, black economy jobs and felt his life had been handicapped.
  6. Maybe its because they can't throw out the usual blanket assumptions of 'Racist' to negative comments about a religion, if that religion is predominantly caucasian within the UK?
  7. 1. So Jovvies can't eat Black Pudding? Never knew that. 2. If God created us...... Now theres a biggy 3. Why we always happy to be treated like kids? Tell you why 'cos people want to give responsibility for their lives to something else. "I can't do it cos God told me so"
  8. Don't think the "blood issue" was anything about HIV etc it was a theological twist that made it akin to cannibalism. No - religion doesn't want the family to break... But a family where one persons religion has a central tenet that they should proselytize has a definite problem. Especially if they cannot respect the fact that others have their own beliefs.
  9. Should apply to this, what is proselytizing if not selling your religion to others?
  10. Back to a subject closer to the OP. I think there was supposed to be a condition attached to the building of the East Pennine Assembly Hall (Jovvy place at Hellaby) that said they wouldnt door knock in the area?
  11. Could be wrong, but I think its looked upon as if it were sort of cannibalistic.
  12. For punishment why not go back to the Biblical days. Referencing that well known Theological text “The Complete works of God and Monty Python. Book 1, Monty Pythons the Life of Brian” I’m sure the example we can take from this is that if anyone comes to your door and mentions the word “Jehovah” you are legally obliged to have them suffer a stoning. Please don’t take this as Gospel.
  13. Think its something to do with, they can offer better deals as some sort of 'club'. To be part of the club you have to have the club card. I think originally you had to belong to particular 'signed up' companys and proved it by showing the header off your payslip
  14. Ikea can stay in Nottingham and leeds. Our lass has gone tonight with her sister. A rare 3 hours undisturbed watching telly and occassionally looking at the 'puter.
  15. any rough guide as to how long for fish?
  16. Generally loses about 30% of the gas charge per annum after 3 years it needs regassing. It also bangs up the cars fuel consumption. Aircon units take a lot of power. Thats why you see them on buildings, cars etc, but you dont tend to see them on touring caravans There is a place near the ski village, just up from the Wicks
  17. Shefield Canoe club has a stretch at Oughtibridge. I've canoed from Deepcar all the way to rotherham, going over every waterfall/weir. That includes Niagra. Theres some good whitewater sections when in spate
  18. Put your wheelie bin out when you know he's due back?
  19. So how does your boyfriends tatto spell your name? I always thought these translations were a bit dodgy. How can you translate a 26 letter alphabet into a system of so many thousand characters? Is it just chinese characters that mean something completely different but when pronounced sound the same? Or is it the meaning of the name translated, but would sound different if pronounced? I thought of having the japanese kanji for "family". Obviously in this case it means the same but is only one character.
  20. be nice to your mum, don't have "B"s have "M" and spell MOM. Do a handstand it'll be WOW
  21. If the thought of the pain puts you off, you don't want one enough.
  22. Its on your body for life, so it has to be something you get done for you, not for anyone else. I've got my kids names within other designs, but done in a language you'd have to be a definite freak to be able to read.
  23. I liked the recent one where ASAD tried to spam the forum about how good Enet computers were and didn't realise people could see he was the same user in different posts
  24. Only problem then is warehouses, shops etc would need to be working nights to take deliveries. Many drivers do prefer to get up early and hit the early morning empty roads and then sit outside their first drop
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