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Everything posted by spiderweb

  1. brew 10 was a good pint back in the days of real beer....so was harp beers
  2. hi can any one help..im looking for a mk3-mk4 brake servo master cylinder..for my 1600 ghia..iv tried ebay and scrap yards around Sheffield with no joy.. some one on here may be clued up to where to try next.... ---------- Post added 21-08-2013 at 10:20 ---------- well iv tried every where...inc balby classic scrap yard at Doncaster..im off to Newark auto jumble..if no joy its a same its a 1 owner from new car...its going to emr scrap yard...
  3. too true once you get past the beggars you can do some real shopping....but when you get to castle market and the drug dealers..every thing is fine ---------- Post added 15-08-2013 at 23:25 ---------- I can catch a bus home.....away from it all ---------- Post added 15-08-2013 at 23:27 ---------- i only go into town once a month.....and that's enough
  4. are the shops still their as im looking for some blue/grey leatherette...some call it gery and some call it blue...its that sort of colour.......
  5. their was large bottles of water too..near the fire...rain was comming down and their was a chilling buzzin in the air...loads of brambles..but i know some one was watching me......:suspect:
  6. iv had a look at the records tho and the local vicar and the sextant of the wardsend cemetry was in to body snatching.....over 3000 sheffield residents did attack the sextants house and burnt it to the ground within 5 years of it opening ---------- Post added 10-05-2013 at 13:19 ---------- just like bram stoker wrote in his book......so ...its worth thinking about.....any way.i took a look....and their has been some one building fires and their is washing lines????and no one about????????????? ---------- Post added 10-05-2013 at 13:20 ---------- could it be the ski slope monster of old london town..living in wardsend
  7. i think it was in the local paper once..my granny said their was a strange doctor lived down neepsend that experimented on penguins...when they invented gas lamps..and morris minors.....
  8. i dont care iv got better things to do........................
  9. iv seen kids in the skate park on bmx bikes with no brakes,bold tyres,and iv never seen a bell on any of them..some bike shops sell brakeless bmxs..yes no brakes on at all from new
  10. so if i buy a bike/cycle..and leave my car at home.or in a car park,or any where may be the coast just for example..and i use a cycle..with no bell on it how the heck does my car licence get penalty points for riding about on a bike with no bell if stopped by the police....and what about the kids with bmxes...or is it just motorists again police are after..as im thinking of buying a cycle this spring..does any one on here know the cycle law??????
  11. i whent their in the 70s to by a overdrive unit for my mk3 spitfire........
  12. dont worry its only my mother-inlaw shes out agan:hihi::hihi:
  13. check point charlie you are entering a fobbiden zone
  14. last time i took my kids their a few years ago now it was full of old bike frames and shoping trollies is it the same
  15. iv just been to our local chippy they said i can have their old chip oil for a tenner a drum i think thats a con as they throw it away.........
  16. does chemicals that remove the red dye..alter the diesel as in wear the engine out does any one know..what mix do you require to run a diesel engine on using old sump oil and parafin
  17. some one in our local pub said to my mate .he buys a uncut loaf of bread,takes out the middle of the loaf ,put a small hole in the bottom of the loaf of bread,and pores the red diesel into the loaf which flows into a drum..then into a the car. another one told me he buys some stain remover off qvc sky.put a spoon full in per gallon and it turns from red to yellow/blue colour depends where he gets his red diesel from...he did try heating oil but the seals in his fuel pump leaked,and failed the mot test ..well the tester refused to test the car as a fire hazard
  18. its a bit like manor estate at night...and rotherham in the day time if that helps
  19. well thats strange wasnt it blunkett mp that opened the flood gates to let people in like this........to make sheffield the refuge camp of the north
  20. now they use shirecliffe tip to set em on fire
  21. theirs been free car parking in longley park for years...some even set on fire so whats new
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