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Everything posted by spiderweb

  1. sorry been some time but been on holiday abroad got back yesturday..called to see about the old ford..it was taken along with a mg miget that his son left in the garage 10 years ago.the are now in the emr attercliffe..was picked up by some scrapmen that came asking about the car between 9 and ten in the morning..he gave them away with all the parts as well.......so another classic bites the dust..my hubby whent crazy..but thats it
  2. im must say iv just come back from skeggy..and whent in the local pubs,my hubby paid an average of £1.40-£1.80 for stones,and in our wmc club its £2.45 per pint...the pubs at skeggy most are seasonal so they must make money to keep em going..around sheffield they just rob us blind out for the kill
  3. he said he was going to call back today he is in no rush to get rid of it yet as the car runs fine and it still runs him about so it must be taxed tested.but he hardly uses it now..its his age..
  4. hi all i dont know much about mk 1 escorts..i drive a morris minor,but the other day..monday a guy called to see me.he has a mk 1 escort.running and asked do you still get £50 at the car breakers/or scrap yards..i told him i dont know..so i have phoned emr they said its £225 for sheering ??is this a good price ?? the car he has has been cared for but the guy is getting on.so he has now taken the car out of the garage and its sat on his drive.as he now uses the garage for junk storage..its a real shame.or is it worth buying.its runs and its realy clean n tidy.hes had the car for years,and said the usual things like first time starter,never let me down,good work horse ect.but im not a ford lover..nor do i know any thing about fords
  5. no irresponsible dog owners..just gyipsies scraping so watch your car/and dog..was last time i whent their by the ski village..they was breakin cars
  6. well its right training classes train you...to train your dog..the more you put in to it ...the more you get out of it..so its no good going to training .just for a hour or so and think thats it till next week.you must keep at it even if its only 10 mins a day..
  7. the last gsd dog i had i took him to a police dog trainer..within 30 mins my dog could do every thing.but that was over 20 years ago...im now trying to get in touch with the police dog trainer if i find him ill let you know..as he trained my dog for free..but the dog he trained for me died 12 years ago........
  8. starts from 7 in the evenings...so if your interested be prepaired as training is well over 1-2 hours.each time you go...
  9. hi i joined the one on halifax road the old church.they train each monday up just past the admiral rodney going out to dam flask,on nice evenings,if the weather is poor they train at the old church hall at wadsley bridge as mentioned,the dog/puppy is trained to cruffs standards the training is for 9 weeks and costs £30.you must prodjuice a vet vacination papers,and a proper id dog disc with your home address and phone number on it..and no harnesses..their very strict but good
  10. i carry it about all the time in mi bag..and is great as a cosh
  11. no but i throw it at mi hubby all the time...its like a brick and he dont like it tho
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDkNC2WKYKc
  13. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sonim-Landrover-phone-s1-quest-Sim-free-STOCK-/150634http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDkNC2WKYKc009698?pt=UK_Mobile_Phones&hash=item23127c9462
  14. their brilliant,water proof,and smash proof,you can drive over them in your 4x4,swim or shower with them or bar-b-q em
  15. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sonim-Landrover-phone-s1-quest-Sim-free-STOCK-/150634009698?pt=UK_Mobile_Phones&hash=item23127c9462
  16. i have gps on my landrover phone s1 its real good when out off roading or going to tescos
  17. where abouts as its 5-10 mins from me
  18. i love my dog to bits.he knows that.iv tried to train him.he sits for me,walks at the side on the left hand side,goes to bed when i tell him.but follows me where ever i go..so hes learning..thank you
  19. tell em your a muslim and their off like a rocket..lol
  20. yes i did here that at one time it was going to be used as a toxic waste dump but on the other hand a **** camp was on the cards...so we shall had to wait to find out.........
  21. hi i live near ecclesfield their was a church on hallifax road that did dog training years ago..i dont know where else ecept other side of dunham bridge torksey
  22. makes a change from burnt out cars lol......
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