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Everything posted by daisywoo

  1. I like Beres at Wadsley Bridge. Not that cheap but yummy butties.
  2. I'd like to say a big thank you to the bus driver of the 17 and a girl that this afternoon helped me and rang an ambulance for me when I injured my knee. I had left my mobile at home, couldn't walk and was in a bit of a state. So if by any chance you are on here, thank you very much. You both helped calm me as I was starting to panic. I'll be emailing First, but I was in that much pain I didn't even ask the girl's name and I feel a bit ungrateful now. Anyway Thank you millions to the pair of you. There is still some good'uns left
  3. Yes, if you speak to your Adviser at the Jobcentre, they have a fund to aid towards buying new work gear. You are supposed to have been on an income based benefit for at least 26 weeks to qualify. Congrats on the job though, it sounds like a fun one
  4. Wow, I can't even imagine having that much money. I'll reiterate what Jayne67 said, if you're a SF user, massive congratulations, I hope you and your family are very happy. Lucky buggar whoever you are =D
  5. I think it's on Wordsworth, a few houses before the turn to Avisford. I'm at the top of Avisford, I don't get woken up at stupid o'clock by Mr cockerel, however, my fiance has been complaining that he keeps waking up around 4 - 4.30, perhaps this is the reason?? I quite like the sound when I hear him throughout the day but must admit I'd get pretty annoyed if he was waking me up...well, I'll see when the windows are open at night when it's too hot lol
  6. Sheffield's the greenest city in Europe (most trees per person), that's unique. City wise, Sheffield isn't great. I'm from Liverpool so the city centre seems very small to me, but you can see countryside from most places in Sheffield. Like somebody said earlier, it's like 20 minutes on the bus and you're out in fields. I'm in S5 and there's a woods not 5 minutes walk away from my house, 2/3 parks within walking distance. I love that, possibly because were I'm from a tree is a rarity
  7. I've just to get out again, it's crappy fine rain, it seems to be making it worse so must be freezing over. I just strolled out as it looked wet instead of icy...nope lol
  8. If you've been on JSA continuously for 6 months and are starting a full time job that will last 5+ weeks, you should get a back to work 'bonus', it's £100 for a single person, £250 for a family, you have to be in receipt of income based JSA though. It should be triggered when your claim is closed, although sometimes it doesn't get done, for instance, if you're under 25, it has to be done manually. You'll be paid JSA until the day before you start your new job and should get paid on your next due pay day so hopefully nothing will get messed up, just ring up if either your grant or your normal benefit isn't paid on that day. Your P45 will be generated the same day your claim is terminated too, although this can take a little longer to be received. If you qualify for this, you also qualify for a 4 week run on with your housing benefit and council tax benefit, this should be generated automatically aswell. Congratulations on the new job =)
  9. I like reed.co.uk. Just got a new job that I found on there yay
  10. Yep, definately Excel. We happened by them by chance when we lived around the corner from their office. I almost always ended up paying 50p - £1 more when I used other companies. Plus, I've never had a less than friendly driver from there. Big thumbs up for excel:thumbsup:
  11. Some bins were replaced with lockable ones a year or 2 ago, I think this was to stop people setting fire to the contents Like the OP has said, I'd be fine if somebody asked me if they could chuck a bit of rubbish in the bin, but if people are filling it up, without asking and with the outcome that you can't dispose of your own rubbish, it's not on. I remember in Liverpool, people were prosecuted for not using the bins 'correctly' i.e. recyclable materials in one, other rubbish in another (we had 3rd garden waste wheelies too), so hopefully this law / legislation (whatever) isn't being enforced because people like the OP will probably end up getting fined 'cause I'm assuming they hadn't sorted their rubbish if they were using someone else's bin without asking Must add though, some of the bins around Sheffield are proper small, can you request a bigger bin (I know someone who;s wheelie bins are huge)
  12. Yeh like everyone said, seems that he's just a little titch. My old dog, when we got him (lab), he was normal lab size, one of his brothers was really short but a little chubster and one of his other brothers was like a bloody horse, he was huuuge, just nature, some of us are tall, some short, same with animals I'd guess =)
  13. Could you make a police report and ask them to keep your name out of it? Nasty nasty man!! This is why I think we should have dog licencing, some people don't deserve pets!! Makes me so angry
  14. Thankyou everybody, yeh I was ecstatic when I heard his little girl voice hehe. Oh Katkin I hope he turns up =( seems to be all the black moggies wandering off lately
  15. We live on Swanbourne actually, but he hasn't got a collar, neither of the cats will wear one. Fantastic update though, guess who was waiting for me when I got home from work Miaowing his little head off lol. He's obviously been fed properly by somebody, he seems very happy to be home though, super affectionate. Thankyou everybody for keeping an eye out for him, he'll be getting chipped in the next week when I'm off work. Just need to work out how to change the title now
  16. yep, I think he's adopted a new family (don't even wanna contemplate the other option). We've been leaving the windows open for him aswell as he'll climb in through them up the conservatory (not leaving them open enough for burglers though lol). If he's with another family, I hope they're being nice to my little monster, we're moving in a few weeks, so if he's not back by then I really hope that's what's happened, even though I miss him like mad.
  17. Moving this back to the top just incase. Still no sign
  18. I'd been on the wrong website, he's on the RSPCA lost and found nw also.
  19. not RSPCA as I've been working during their opening hours but I've put him up on a load of sites. I'm not in work until the afternoon tomorrow so I'm gonna ring in the morning. Didn't really start to work until a few days ago, he's a bit of an adventurer so he wanders of for a few days at a time every now and again. The little sod will probably wander up in a few days demanding attention lol
  20. Yeh I've suddenly started noticing loads of black cats and thinking they're all Gus. The cost wasn't really the issue, we had the dog chipped, I've never had a cat chipped, I didn't think I'd need to as any cat I've ever had has been an outdoor cat...I've definately changed my mind now though stupid mistake of mine that I won't be repeating.
  21. Thought I'd bring this to the top again just incase somebody has seen him, or he's adopted a new family
  22. Hellooo. We're going to need a skip ina few weeks as we are moving, I'v looked online but all the ones I've found are quite expensive. We don't need a massive one, we have a dismantled wardrobe and drawers, an old camp bed and a few other bits and bobs. Can anybody recommend a company please? Thankyou
  23. Wow that is terrible!! You did everything you could to find the owner and did the right and responsible thing by taking the dog to the pound. Yeh, it would be a pain to have to pay, what maybe £50 to get his dog back but I know I'd rather pay that for my dog back than find out she'd been ran over or something. If you're not going to speak to the police now, just keep a log just in case anything happens so you can then tell them...stupid irresponsible person!! Grr people like him really annoy me!! But, well done you
  24. lol he is a greedy little thing, I hope not. No, I've had him since a kitten, stupidly not had him chipped though, should have just done it when he got his injections =/ if he comes back, it'll be straight to the vets to get that rectified. My partner thinks he's made himself a second home (possibly just to stop me thinking the worst?)
  25. It was only about £1.50 for a can and it laste for ages!
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