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altus last won the day on February 11 2023

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  1. It is. One was so embarrassing to the party he had the whip removed.
  2. It's notable that that prediction was from before the local elections. With the Tory's particularly poor results in those polls, it might well be pessimistic about Labour's chances.
  3. Have you confused Sheffield Central for the whole of Sheffield? Most of the Sheffield seats are >95% for Labour They predict the Lib Dems have a 74% chance of winning Sheffield Hallam.
  4. For pointing out the police are under resourced and prioritise more serious offences?
  5. It was shown on BBC 4 in 2022. It's worth keeping an eye on iPlayer in case they put it on there again.
  6. I think there's always been some tactical voting in this country - our first past the post system encourages those who don't support a party with a good chance of winning a seat to vote for the party they consider the least worst of those with a chance of winning. Significantly organised tactical voting in the UK started with the 1997 election - when relatively few people were on the internet and before the rise of social media (e.g. Facebook formed in 2004). I think you're just upset because the main target of tactical voting is the party you favour.
  7. I suspect that, since the local/mayoral elections results were announced, Mister M's thoughts haven't got much past "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!". I know mine haven't.
  8. That would depend on how many seats it applies in. Don't forget, some seats are primarily Lib Dem vs Conservative - Conservative supporters switching to Reform in those constituencies would increase the Lib Dems chances of winning. The only party Reform are realistically going to harm is the Tories.
  9. Only places the Lib Dems were never going win anyway. In the process, they'd greatly increase Labour's chances of winning such seats.
  10. The Labour Party were downplaying the idea that it was a forgone conclusion. The last thing they wanted was their supporters not turning out to vote because they didn't think they needed to.
  11. That's only just after having made his campaign about him not the Conservative Party. His campaign leaflet didn't use his party's blue branding, at first sight it looks more like a Green Party leaflet, and the only mention of his party is their logo at the end. Several Tory candidates for mayor partially or completely avoided mentioning their party affiliation in their campaigning. If the only thing the Tories can be happy about in the local/mayoral elections is that Ben Houchen kept his post as Tees Valley mayor after dropping mentions the party in his campaign literature it can't be seen as a positive sign for the upcoming general election.
  12. Mister M's post has "From bbc.co.uk" at the bottom which is a bit of a clue. Here's a link to the Beeb report and one to a Guardian report of the same attack.
  13. They won control of a council further north than the Tories did. They've also won more seats and control of more councils than the Tories did in these elections.
  14. I think you're just arguing from the position of your personal preference. All whisky doesn't need to be as strong tasting as Laphroaig any more than all curry needs to be as hot as a vindaloo.
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