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Parents of starving kids get 7 years


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I have a lot of respect for anyone involved in the human side of actually sorting out these problems.


Its all very well to pontificate about "evil" when one of these cases comes into the public eye, and then forget about it. But what is needed is action to sort out the problems rather than philosophical debate.

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The impact of the abuse on these poor kids will not be known until they develop into adults. Hopefully their new lives will be happy and will reduce any effect this had on them. My question is what were the neighbours doing? Didnt they see how ill the kids looked? I dont want to blame people but surely this was noticeable? Social Services were unaware as they rely on people to report such abuse, or at least that they suspect abuse.


Also, we cant really assume that as the parents may have been abused, that they will then abuse their kids. Many parents who suffered abuse as kids turn the tables when they are parents and make sure their kids have the best possible upbringing. I think others use it as an excuse for their disgusting behaviour.


If I was living next door to them I would have taken action I am sure, given how badly the kids were treated, the state they must have been in.


Does this say much about society today? A few years ago this would not have been allowed to go so far as neighbours communicated more.

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Unless I've missed some detail, there isn't any reference to social services involvement.

I should have thought the school's having seen the state of the eldest girl would have uncovered the abuse before this child had to see her brother almost dying.


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First - totally agree, the sentence is far too short and makes a mockery of the legal system. It should have been 7 years for EACH child, plus some. These people could be out in less than half their sentence (as the time on remand will be counted) I think.


Second - abused do not become abusers - that is a myth.


Third - Social Services cannot be blamed for the horrific acts of parents. Everyone connected with this family - neighbours, teachers, relatives etc should have stuck their neck out and made some sort of complaint, then Social Services may have got involved and may have been able to do something.


Fourth - these children, given the right love, care and attention should be able to grow up into rational and caring adults. People can become whatever they want to be - despite their unfortunate start in life.


Foster carers/adopted parents will all play a vital role in their further development - hats off to them!

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Second - abused do not become abusers - that is a myth


sorry, when did I say that??


What I said is that, generally more people who are abusers have had some experience of being abused themselves. Dont mis-qoute what I said, its this type of bull sh*t that takes the focus of why people do it.


oh, and as I was asked (quite fairly) where do you get your information that its a myth?



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The b*****ds should get life for that kind of treatment, the story made me recoil in horror, 5 defenseless kids, surely social services should have stepped in coz if they were at school, someone should have noticed their state and if they were not at school the question is why didnt social services step in to find out why they werent at school?????????????? :rant:

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I read today that the parents family had regularly babysat for the 5 children.

If this is the case then WHY did the family members not report them?.


Widescreen TV

DVD player x2

Cable TV


Pet fish (at least they were fed)

1 tin of corned beef and some sprouts?


I am really struggling to understand the mindset of the parents!. I think they need to be in Broadmoor not prison.

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