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Just Micro - On Carver Street


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Does anyone have any photos of this old computer shop on carver street - spent many hours in this shop usually during school time.


Think the guys that ran the shop where tony and greggs - and they where a few demo groups that use to go in -


I have started a web site about the retro computer, just mirco and gremlin graphics - any input would be fantastic (you will get a mention and credit for photos etc.


post memories here or send to antzz@*********


regards to all who where there

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Originally posted by retroboy

Does anyone have any photos of this old computer shop on carver street - spent many hours in this shop usually during school time.


Think the guys that ran the shop where tony and greggs - and they where a few demo groups that use to go in -


I have started a web site about the retro computer, just mirco and gremlin graphics - any input would be fantastic (you will get a mention and credit for photos etc.


post memories here or send to antzz@*********


regards to all who where there



I used to go in regularly...


There was also Alligata Software in Sheffield at the same time as GG (just round the corner from Carver St, on Orange Street).



Got no pix though. :-(


alchresearch on these boards might be able to help with some GG stuff ;-) As he (used) to hold rights to re-distribute GG software - and others!

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I used to knock about with a bloke called "Fungus the Bogeyman", who programmed for Gremlin (I think).


He changed his name and I can remember looking it up in the phone book and it being there.


I think he has since "done one" to Spain with a birdos l'espana he was seeing.


As for those shops, I remember them well. I can remember going in the one on Division Street and watching the 'juggling man' demo on the Amiga for ages.


What a geek.

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Lots of ex gremlin/infogrammes guys still around, probably some on this board.


Incidentally Zoo Digital are run by ex gremlin MD Ian Steward and were based near the old offices until a few weeks ago.


Plenty of ex gremlin peeps at the various game devs in sheffield who may remember the shop.


Before my time up here tho.

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I worked at Just Micro for many years before my stint at Gremlin/Infogrames, I've got a nice black and white pic of the shop front somewhere but you'll have to bear with me cos I have no idea where it is...

I still feel sad when I walk up Carver Street and see where the shop was, many happy times were had there. :(

The shop on Division Street was Gemsoft, which is still around but totally different to the Div Street shop, it's now on Furnival Gate near where Redgates was.

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  • 3 months later...

Whoo! And Sinatra's next door! :D


Just Micro was really for Spectrum users wasn't it?


I was sadly left out of all the games "action" with my ORIC (48k I'll have you know) - purchased from Laskeys on Leopold Street for the princely sum of £149. :)

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