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I stopped believing you needed bookcases for books ages ago! There's nowt wrong with a nice heap of books on the floor - until you want the bottom one, that is :hihi:


I used to love spending time in second-hand book shops, the sort that are in old houses, so you have to go up and down stairs and through book crammed corridors, and then you can sit on a pile of books on the floor and read. There's a special sort of smell to them, and the owners are usually incredibly knowledgeable about their stock and can point you to the most obscure tomes with no difficulty. There were a couple of truly wonderful shops in Warwick that we visited every holiday, so much nicer than a trip to the Castle!


I've heard of the joys of Warwick's bookshops...mmmm....


You'd love Steep Hill In Lincoln - several bookshops including one in an Elizabethan theatre that's got to be a huge H&S hazard, it's just crammed with stacks of books and you have to breathe in to get around them. Take lots of cash cause she doesn't take cards... and you will find something old and interesting. ;)


I have a bad holiday if there are no decent bookshops - came back from Oxford with half a suitcase full, and I love Wigtown in Scotland because they have about 18 bookshops.


I never ever give away or sell books - we have crammed bookshelves in the living room, both spare bedrooms, and up the stairs. We've got multiple editions of a lot of books.

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Can anyone recommend one for me. I cannot chose for the life of me. I hate biographies and love fiction, just finished A Scanner Darkly (then watched the film)


Anything else by P.K.Dick. Grab his short stories for an easy read, get hold of the Valis trilogy if you want an incredibly challenging but rewarding read.

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I went on holiday and couldn't resist buying lots of books, I hunt them down, especially reference books, does anyone else have an obsession with books, it's getting to the stage where my bookcases are full of them, and still I cannot stop





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I had a phase where I read children's book, I read Drina the ballerina series, mainly because I used to go to ballet class, and there was one girl in kindergarten called Drina and I had never heard that name since

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I mentioned a while back that I was interested in starting a book group, either online or off...... would any body be interested if I got something up and running?


What a good idea count me in Mojo.


Does anyone remember Alan Hill's bookshop in Broomhill, or Yorkshire Secondhand Facts at Hunter's Bar. Gone now but not forgotten, I used to spend hours in them.

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I also loved magic faraway tree , enchanted wood, and wishin chair, and even now quite a few (ahem) years later theres hardly a moment goes by that my nose isn't stuck in a book! so many books....so little time!!!!!ideal job for me would be being paid to sit and read!!!!!oh in a big house, with the shelves and the books..........bliss

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I also loved magic faraway tree , enchanted wood, and wishin chair, and even now quite a few (ahem) years later theres hardly a moment goes by that my nose isn't stuck in a book! so many books....so little time!!!!!ideal job for me would be being paid to sit and read!!!!!oh in a big house, with the shelves and the books..........bliss


ah! the magical faraway tree, I used to read it to my sons before they went to sleep, Dame Washalot, Moonface, etc. I enjoyed reading it as much as they enjoyed hearing the stories - they felt somehow safe from the big wide world

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Does anyone remember Alan Hill's bookshop in Broomhill, or Yorkshire Secondhand Facts at Hunter's Bar. Gone now but not forgotten, I used to spend hours in them.


I do, and I miss them both. I've commented before on here about the appalling scarcity of second hand bookshops in a city that is supposedly the fourth largest in the country. Alan Hill moved to Chesterfield for a few years, but then was supposed to have moved back to some sort of industrial unit in Meersbrook - I never found it though so if anybody knows whether it still exists and where it is, let me know.

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I've heard of the joys of Warwick's bookshops...mmmm....


You'd love Steep Hill In Lincoln - several bookshops including one in an Elizabethan theatre that's got to be a huge H&S hazard, it's just crammed with stacks of books and you have to breathe in to get around them. Take lots of cash cause she doesn't take cards... and you will find something old and interesting. ;)


I have a bad holiday if there are no decent bookshops - came back from Oxford with half a suitcase full, and I love Wigtown in Scotland because they have about 18 bookshops.


I never ever give away or sell books - we have crammed bookshelves in the living room, both spare bedrooms, and up the stairs. We've got multiple editions of a lot of books.


It's very worrying this - you're sounding like me again. :)


How long does it take to get to Wigtown by the way? Is it further than Hay-on-Wye?

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