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Affected areas questions

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Depends what the exam is....but if it a GCSE or A level then no. You have to wait until next year to sit it again. If you can't get in, then they can write to the exam board....but if everyone else makes it in, then the exam board will ask questions.


Hopefully the water will subside and you'll be fine.


has the water subsided in the wicker?

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No trains are operating on any of the routes out of Sheffield because it's flooded. The only one which is operating is Sheffield-Manchester line.


Unless as suggested, you want to take a 2 hr journey to get up to Leeds via Manchester. I don't know whether it is 2 train journeys, or a train journey and a bus connection. You have to check it out.


Unless the flooded areas slowly drain itself, it is pretty hard to say... its anyone's guess.


That's what I thought - think I'll rearrange the course, it's not so important. Thanks :-)

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