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Don't panic!


Firstly, I'd say not to take much notice of the label on your dress as wedding dresses are an area where vanity sizing hasn't happened so they all run quite small compared to high street sizes.


Secondly, the ladies in the shop were absolutely right to point you at a dress that fitted where you are biggest so you can trust them to know what they are doing when it comes to adjustments. If they'd suggested you bought a dress that fitted your bust and waist but was too small on your hips, there wouldn't be the fabric there to alter it to fit, would there? Making frocks smaller is taken for granted, even for brides who aren't dieting but just drop a few pounds due to pre-wedding stress!


As long as you don't overdo it, there's no harm in a pizza or two though :D

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Massive 15% Discount Off Wedding DVD for Sheffield Forum Members


As a Royal Wedding promotion I'm offering 15% discount off of any wedding DVD package to Sheffield Forum members. That means you can have a wedding filmed, edited and supplied on DVD from under £400.00!


Here's the catch - I'm limiting this to just 10 weddings and they must be booked by the end of May 2011


  • Complete Film and Edit Wedding Packages
  • Edit Your Own Footage to Produce A Memorable DVD
  • Add Honeymoon Footage To Your Current Wedding DVD


For more details call me on 0114 286 4400, 077 100 57141 or email glenn@yourdvdmemories$$$.com (please remove the $$$ form this address. I've posted it like this to prevent automated spam emails).



All the best



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if you are having your wedding abroad but when you get back all you have is wobbly video footage taken by the family why not have it pieced togeather and put onto DVD so you would never know uncle Jim after a few shandies had filmed it !Pictures also put onto disk with music to remember your day

Contact Mark on 07864077419





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New Opulence Wedding Invitation for April 2011! Pearlised board, hot pink or purple foiled caption and your choice of ribbon. Your personalised wording is printed on the paper insert.


Opulence with Hot Pink Foil

Opulence with Purple Foil

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