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Loose Women


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I love loose women, I thought it was really funny that time they had sexy micheal buble on.

The show definatly brightens up my afternoon and remonds me of general girly chats.

Like fitting a camera in my house when the girls come round haha

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I watch it when I can, not keen on Denise but noticed her make-up looked nice and she look as though she's lost weight.


I particularly like Jane, Carol, Coleen and Sherrie.


Andrea Maclean is ok and so were Jackie Brambles, Kaye Adams and Nadia Sawalha but Kate Thornton looks so plastic - is she trying to look like Barbie? I can see why she was made to leave the X-Factor, I also thought Ruth's hair looked messy and over-white teeth are not a good look IMO.

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  • 6 years later...

Is this the most soul destroying ,up the wall crawling , hair ripping out program ever to be shown on T.V.

The four mutton dressed as Lamb panelists cackle and gaggle through every mind numbing event that can be discussed any where on Earth.

Especially Janet Street Porter who some how thinks that she is a cut above every other human being on the Planet .


The coy looks ,the skirt hitches, combined with the eye fluttering embarrassment when the the latest male heart throb sticks himself in their midst makes me throw the cat at the telly .

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Is this the most soul destroying ,up the wall crawling , hair ripping out program ever to be shown on T.V.

The four mutton dressed as Lamb panelists cackle and gaggle through every mind numbing event that can be discussed any where on Earth.

Especially Janet Street Porter who some how thinks that she is a cut above every other human being on the Planet .


The coy looks ,the skirt hitches, combined with the eye fluttering embarrassment when the the latest male heart throb sticks himself in their midst makes me throw the cat at the telly .


This. Exactly this. A tired argument but if that was a group of men making similar comments about women it'd have never got the go ahead for good reason. Cannot stand this programme and all it stands for.

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Is this the most soul destroying ,up the wall crawling , hair ripping out program ever to be shown on T.V.

The four mutton dressed as Lamb panelists cackle and gaggle through every mind numbing event that can be discussed any where on Earth.

Especially Janet Street Porter who some how thinks that she is a cut above every other human being on the Planet .


The coy looks ,the skirt hitches, combined with the eye fluttering embarrassment when the the latest male heart throb sticks himself in their midst makes me throw the cat at the telly .


Is your remote broken or have your arms dropped off?

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