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Pubs in Sheffield shutting down


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Hello Goldenfleece


Thank you for the comment of beaufiful girl, I feel more like an old bag these days!!!! but it was along time ago.

Just let me into the secret of how you managed to get 29 free pints, I think I'll be calling in your place to get my 29 pints.

Don't forget I'm holding you to those 29 pints.




Hey Clare.....when I said 29 pints I may well have drunk! LOL....it was prob more like 12....actually I did you a horoscope and you gave me loads of tokens that week so that may explain it!!


yes the Hadfield, the ORIGINAL one was great....it was better before it got extended, I never liked it after that....

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Hello Goldenfleece


Thank you for the comment of beaufiful girl, I feel more like an old bag these days!!!! but it was along time ago.

Just let me into the secret of how you managed to get 29 free pints, I think I'll be calling in your place to get my 29 pints.

I came out of the trade 8 years ago and said never again but hey ho I'm back again, I bought the lease on the The Old Crown on Penistone Road last December.


I'm really sad to hear about The Hadfied, it has always been my favourite pub I've had, I had some good years there.


Don't forget I'm holding you to those 29 pints.




Did you have No.3 on, or was it just an Old Peculier fuelled addled memory :hihi:

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Hey Clare.....when I said 29 pints I may well have drunk! LOL....it was prob more like 12....actually I did you a horoscope and you gave me loads of tokens that week so that may explain it!!


yes the Hadfield, the ORIGINAL one was great....it was better before it got extended, I never liked it after that....



That explains it. I remember the horoscope, it was fantastic, just wish I could lay my hands on it now.

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If there is a modern equivalent of the old medieval tyrant Lord of the Manor with poor and struggling tenant farmers on their estates, then this equivalent is the 'Pub Company', and the struggling tenant farmers are the licensees!!!


Absolutely Goldenfleece! Pubcos are vampires, but they are mostly so stupidly greedy that they are killing the business they depend upon (and which they do no work towards running). All they do is put up the money to buy the pubs, then get others to do all the work under their self-imposed draconian rules.


I read recently in a CAMRA magazine about a pub which dates back to the 1400 (in Wiltshire I think), which is up for sale by the pubco owners. The contract of sale includes a clause saying it can't ever be used as a pub once sold. This is a village pub, and the hub of the village, and because they can't make the money they want, and can't knock out the interior due to its listed status, they want to destroy it, just to avoid the possibility that it might compete with their other pubs in the area. That should be against the law!


Surely the use to which a building is put subsequent to sale can not be stipulated by the previous owner/vendor? It's down to local planning and byelaws, and if it's been a pub for 600 years, the new owner should be able to continue running it as one, and stick two fingers up at the pubco, no matter what undertakings he's made to them during the sale procedures?


Another example is a pub belonging to a pubco. The tenant landlord runs and owns a microbrewery in an outbuilding behind the pub. The pubco won't let him sell his (award-winning) beer in the pub, which he could do for about £1.85 a pint. Instead, he has to sell it to the pubco, who then sell it back to him at an inflated price, meaning he has to charge the thick end of £3 a pint, FOR HIS OWN BEER! All this despite the fact that the beer never leaves the premises; it's all done on paper. Sheer madness! He can sell his beer to other pubs, who can sell it cheaper than his own.

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  • 2 weeks later...
generally yes, with the exception of Mitchell and Butlers, who are far better than the others with close to trade beer prices ....far far cheaper than Punch or Enterprize.....


Are these the guys who have now taken over the Prince of Wales on Ecclesall Road South?

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It really is getting pathetic the amount of pubs they're knocking down and closing!! A lot of people are resulting in buyin booze in themselves and having a weekend in because its cheaper!

Beer prices - THATS ANOTHER ISSUE!! Why are they planning on putting them up!!?? To try and discourage under age drinking!! pfffttt - Like thats going to stop them lol

Before long no-one will be out! :(

Rant over lol ........

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I personally don't think the Sportsman in Stannington will last much longer before it either shuts completely or changes hands again.


Me and Dad go in most Sundays for a game of Pool and a Pint of Tetley's and a J2O, last few times we've been, there's either been nobody in hardly, or the place has been full of numpties, you'd think with the re-opening of the Turnbull, that all the idiots off the Liberty etc would go there, but no, they're all in the Sportsman stood outside smoking and causing trouble! :loopy::rant:

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