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Everything posted by Jess19841

  1. I agree there are SOOO many bad drivers out there!! I remeber when I first passed my test all those years back lol well not that many .... My instructor taught me that even when u've passed ur test, u'll still learn whilst driving and she was SOOOO right!! Its not a case of wanting to, its a case of having to learn as there are so may drivers that are unaware of other road users!! As for those who drive slow omg!! I mean theres slow and there's snail slow ... lol Driving in a 30mph zone at 10mph lol !! Mostly its the oldies but I have seen a few middle age people in my driving years doing this .... they must think its Sunday every day of the week!! Speaking of which... last Sunday me and my partner went a drive with his brother-in-law and oh my gosh he literally uses his bloody SAT NAV to drive EVERYWHERE!! Even if its just down the road lol!! He takes the longest routes possible but tells us its the "SCENIC" route! I'm thinkin of buyin him a map book to scan through at X-mas lol!!!
  2. You DEFINITELY have done the right thing! I was engaged just under 18 months back for just under 23 months and I had the exact same problem!! He blames his job for the stress and anger but in the end I saw the reality of the situation and thought to myself "You know what, I'm not standing for this anymore" So one day I waited until he got home and as part of his routine he'd start as soon as he came through the door and I stood up and told him a few home truths thats I wasn't standing for this anymore, I derserved better and that I'd spoken to him about it previously, he promised he'd change , but DIDN'T and so told him I was GONE FOR GOOD! He of course tried to contact me after to make amends, but I threw them off and convinced myself I deserved better, and could do better. Now a further 18 months down the line, i'm with the best partner ever and he treats me with the upmost respect and likewise Leaving him was the BEST thing I ever did!!!
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