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Newton Chambers Horn


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Who can remember the horn that used to be sounded by Newton Chambers in Chapeltown every day at 7.30 am and 12. noon.


Where we lived it was known as Thorncliffe Buzzer. It signalled the start of shift and dinner time (I think).


You could hear it as far away as High Green and Ecclesfield. If you were in bed when it went off, you were late.


What happened to it, was it just scrapped?


Bet you couldn't make a racket like that these days !

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I used to work at Newton Chambers in the "machine shop Time keeping office" just about 20 yards from this device..it was from off a ship (but I don't Know what ship) it was steam or compressed air driven and when it went off it used to shake the office windows..I lived in Shiregreen and when I had slept in and was late for work...or on the night shift i could hear it booming out over Shiregreen quite clearly.

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i lived on thorncliffe about as close as you could get,i guess it meant we never overlayed.


i had an auntie that worked in the offices not sure if it was wages though called beryl hague she is about 79 now,her husband worked for thr fire service then became a councillar for hoyland i think.

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I am amazed that nobody rescued the hooter/horn thing. What a shame, it had been part of Chapeltown for such a long time.


It should have been taken to Kelham Island.


Do you remeber that Thorncliffe (Newton Chambers) also had an air raid warning siren. I think they used it for emergencies in the works, we used to hear it go off from time to time

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  • 1 year later...

Can anybody remember the story of the chap who died from Newton Chambers he used to ride the overhead tubs to get home but one day fell asleep before he should have jumped of or am i thinking of the wrong company?

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Can anybody remember the story of the chap who died from Newton Chambers he used to ride the overhead tubs to get home but one day fell asleep before he should have jumped of or am i thinking of the wrong company?



No, I think it is the correct company. My late Dad spoke of it.

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  • 2 months later...

See here we go again with the memories nudge, just reading these posts is bringing back memories. My Dad used to work at Newton Chambers. I remember going with him sometimes on Saturday mornings , he would arm me with a pencil and some tracing paper( he was a draughtsman) and I would be happy to stay there with him while he worked. I also recall him bringing home Izal I think it was called a cleaning substance am I correct can anyone help me here ?

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