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RAC declares Manor Estate a "NO GO" area

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I fully support the RAC and any other service that refuse to go into an area where their employees at put at risk. It is not only the safety of the employee, but also the safety of their vehicles and equipment. The RAC have thousands of pounds worth of equipment and tools on their vehicles, if the vehicle is severely damaged, or the equipment stolen, or, at worst their operative seriously injured, this means that other customers have to wait longer to be attended to. This also applies to the police, fire and ambulance services. You can bet your bottom dollar that if the emergency services are delayed getting to the houses of the people who cause this mayhem on estates like the manor, that they are the first to whine and complain.

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There is a bad spate of car crime on the new estate at Manor at the moment. These chavs don't intend to attack anyone they are actually after the Sat Nav systems.


The only thing is, I don't think anyone is prepared to stand up to them. If you do you get attacked like the RAC bloke.


IMO it's only going to get worse!

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There are definitely a lot of good, decent people who live on the manor. It's time the autorities came up with strategies to empower this majority to help them help themselves. A lot of people turn a blind eye to what is going on in fear of reprisals for themselves and their families, and who can blame them? No one wants to put their family at risk. However, it's time they were offered safe, anonymous ways of helping their community to become what they deserve it to be. I think the majority of people living on the manor will see Caborn's response for exactly what it is - 'soft-soaping' seems to be the appropriate Sheffield term, and a total cop out.

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one answer is to send 2 people to a rough area just like the council and all the other utilities do and incorporate this into the price....it is well known that any work man who ventures into not just the manor but most of the council estates in sheffield and the surrounding areas risks a vehicle break in ... etc.

i personally would not want to crawl under a car with a gang of 6 lads walking past me .. and would expect the worse..

the other answer would be to tow off and stop in a more suitable area to check out the vehicle ......

seems a shame really england just seems to get worse and worse every day .. :(

makes you wonder why every one wants to move here from another country really.

never mind nothing as funny as folk . :)

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Before I run for cover... I would just like to say.


Not having heard from any manor residents (unless I missed the post) what are the local people doing to combat bratty thuggish kids? Are they speaking out when jonnythug does something wrong? Calling the police? Giving evidence? Or are they closing their doors and saying thank god I wasn't involved?



In response, I live at Manor Top and would really appreciate some advice on what residents could do to combat the 'bratty thuggish kids', I have phoned 101 on numerous occasions for various incidents, always giving my name, such as rocks being thrown at my car while I was driving, kids climbing 30foot high scaffolding, breaking windows of new house etc. and it really seems to me that the police really have no power to do anything, a factwhich these kids are all to aware of.

I really don't know what else I can do other than look to the police for help, as a young girl, I really don't want to confront a gang on my own!

Any advice is appreciated, I am really upset reading this thread as I feel the area could be really lovely but is being spoilt and I think lots of residents feel powerless.

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Looking at the bigger picture it's another victory for the yobs who are allowed to rule the streets, solve that problem then we all will be better served.


Well said Smudge, why should we, and why do we have to put up with this intolerable behaviour ?? When will the law come down on the side of the decent, everyday citizens of Sheffield and take on this crap that these idiots get away with. Catch them and deal with them, let's stop it before it's too late.......

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