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RAC declares Manor Estate a "NO GO" area

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ONE of Britain's biggest breakdown recovery companies has declared a Sheffield housing estate a no-go zone after dark.


The RAC has suspended all services on the Manor estate at night following an attack on a patrolman by a group of youths.


But the company has not told its members of the move.


for full story please visit http://www.sheffieldtoday.co.uk/news?ArticleID=2724493

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I can understand the RACs point, why should they send a patrolman to an area where one was attacked? They have a duty of care to their staff, and theres nothing wrong with sub-contracting to a local firm anyway, its common practice.

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Totally agree with the RAC. Why would you send your people into an area where they could be attacked ??

However, they should have informed the caller that this is the new policy, then alternative arrangements could have been made.

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Why the hell would it stop the RAC as a hole. There bloody grown men, i think they should have the choice where they cover. If i was working for then RAC i wouldnt be put off by an attack, nore would alot of `big fella's` that work for the company.

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I have a delivery business and there have been occasions when we have avoided certain places after dark. Unfortunately for the mainly law abiding residents of those areas employers are not prepared to have their people put at risk by idiot yobbos when they are simply going about their business.


They should have told you nevertheless.

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Having been on the receiving end of the chavs with bricks & equipment been stolen whilst trying to help folk I can see the point of the RAC not going in under the cover of darkness but they should have communicated their intentions to the customers. Having to wait all that time is very poor customer care.

Looking at the bigger picture it's another victory for the yobs who are allowed to rule the streets, solve that problem then we all will be better served.

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