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The Ghost of Stocksbridge bypass.

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Centuries of speculation around the existence or not of otherworldy spirits OBLITERATED in one unforgettable moment of astounding insight!


Ah, but it wasn't the rhetoric that was so persuassive, Greenback. It was the crushing appearance of the four (count them) green men making the primary school "loony" sign.

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  • 1 year later...

Can anyone tell me if this myth is true or not?

On Saturday afternoon, I was driving down the Stocksbridge Bypass with a friend on the way to a pub for a meal. During the journey, I was listening to a CD quietly so I could make conversation with my friend, when all of a sudden a Jazz radio station took over full blast. It kept stopping and returning to my CD track, but kept coming back on again all on it's own. At this point I wouldn't have thought anything of it - but my car is a company car and have been told that the radio has not worked for a year as the aerial is broken! So I felt a little uneasy. As I pointed out my nervousness, my friend decided to calm me down by explaining that the Stocksbridge Bypass is haunted by a Monk, who had been spotted on several occasions not only on the road, but actually in the back seat of people's cars when they looked through the interior mirror!! Exactly the same thing happened to me on the way back, same Jazz station and everything. But I never saw anything suspicious.

This has never happened before - everytime i've tried to tune in the radio I can't get a thing, just fuzziness. Someone please tell me if the Monk exists or if it's just a silly coincidence.

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The rumour is yeah there's supposed to be a monk on the bypass near the Mad Monk Bridge as they call it,Although ive never seen it myself,I'd poo myself if i did? But i just cant help myself and have to look everytime i go passed:loopy:

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Time to resurrect this thread with another Stocksbridge story...


A friend of mine - female, early 20s - was driving on her own back to Sheffield along the bypass late one night. Suddenly she had an intense feeling that somebody was sitting behind her in the back seat. She was too scared to even look in the rear view mirror, but she was convinced someone was there. After a few minutes the feeling wore off, but it left her quite shaken.


She told us about it the next day. She went white when we told her that that stretch of road was reputed to be haunted - she'd never heard about it before.

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Dont know if this helps, i travel along that road everyday, and at the same point near to Pearoyd Bridge, all the dials on the dashboard (speedo,revs, petrol),all cease working until i reach the Stocksbridge turn off at Underbank. Really strange, i know that there is an electricity sub station, which belongs to the steelworks, and could this be responsible to releasing energy or something into this area. Which might explain the car radio

Cant be good for health though

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