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An internet radio station for Sheffield!

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Well, with some backing from the people that brought you the forum, we want to bring you sheffield internet radio - a showcase for a city oozing with talent. An internet radio station firmly rooted in Sheffield, but with a global audience!


Stage one is to bring all the ideas together and produce an experimental station, with a view to taking it live soon afterwards, with a complimentary web site and all that jazz.


The project needs plenty of volunteers - if you:

-are in a band

-are a DJ

-know about sound engineering

-know about radio production

-can build kick-ass websites

-want to broadcast on the internet

-have some genius ideas

-know about the legal aspects of radio, performers rights etc.

-have lots of handy audio kit hanging around


then Sheffield Internet Radio needs you! Get in touch with sheffieldradio@googlemail.com for more information about how to participate - it's starting now so get in touch!

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For several years in the 1990s I was involved with Forge FM here in Sheffield on a managerial and technical level.


I also know more than I ever, ever wanted to know abour MCPS, PRS, package production, editing and associated tomfoolery.


Keep me posted!

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I'd be up for it.


I'm planning on calling in at the Children's Hospital next week to see if I can do a show for them at some point.


Their gaffer's just PMd me earlier about it, he says they've got a Saturday or Sunday afternoon slot free, either are good for me especially the Sunday.

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Would it be an idea to get an FM licence so you can broadcast on normal radio? I think FM staions get more exposure than internet ones, but then again, I don't know what the costs of the equipment and licence are.


It's the getting the license that's the hard bit. Getting Ofcom to give it you is an effort in itself, that's after you've paid to apply for it, etc etc. Internet radio is a good way forward, and seems to be getting more popular these days. You still have to pay fees and things like that, but it's certainly an easier option than going down the FM RSL route...!

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I'd be up for it.


I'm planning on calling in at the Children's Hospital next week to see if I can do a show for them at some point.


Their gaffer's just PMd me earlier about it, he says they've got a Saturday or Sunday afternoon slot free, either are good for me especially the Sunday.


*Will see you on Friday* :)

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It's the getting the license that's the hard bit. Getting Ofcom to give it you is an effort in itself, that's after you've paid to apply for it, etc etc. Internet radio is a good way forward, and seems to be getting more popular these days. You still have to pay fees and things like that, but it's certainly an easier option than going down the FM RSL route...!


I've just been looking at the notes for applicants for short and long FM & AM RSLs. Phew! I don't think its an option.


Partly because it's so heavily regulated, and partly because you then have to manage a radio transmitter and all the real world problems that entails.


Internet 'radio' has its own problems though. For instance, because it's a direct server-client connection, and the bandwidth involved is not inconsiderable, broadcast slots tend to be charged per concurrent user.


Typically a 64kbps slot will cost around 15-90p a month. The more successful you are the more you pay!


But unlike real radio, netcasting can be almost completely virtualised, making it a perfect enterprise for internet collaboration.


Plus, Sheffield has Sheffield Forum, a launch pad any other internet venture would be envious of.


So to reiterate - the big talk about what to do and how to do it is starting now, please email sheffieldradio@googlemail.com to find out how to participate. Even if you ultimately don't want to actually *do* anything, we still need your ideas and encouragement.

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