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  1. Some nice ideas there. Obvious ones are the refurbishment of the interior, going back to some of the original features and fittings (but not too far back that it seems old fashioned). Would be nice if it had a bit of a modern feel to it (I don't mean like the bars down West Street, I just mean so it doesn't end up like say the Ranmoor Inn - while a great pub in its own I don't think that's the kind of look that would work here). I would say no to traditional pub tables and stools, but yes to comfy sofa areas - but make sure they're not so spaced apart you can't talk to people. I hate that in pubs and bars! On to other bits, a large range of continental beers & lagers mixed with some local real ales would be a good starting point. Cocktails would be good too. If you want inspiration, have a look at the Old House on Division Street. The best selection of drinks in the city IMO. I've selected pool tables and the Space Invaders tables as I think these would help attract the younger crowd while not bothering locals so much. However the pool table at the moment doesn't fit too great so i'm not sure how you could work round that one. The music side of things, it would be great to be able to let bands and DJ's play various types of music (something the Harley does really well), but would be good to have a quieter area too. And finally, the York has quite a nice large smoking area. Doesn't need much doing to it. Just smartening up a little and some better heating.
  2. My favorite pub currently is the Harley, so if you can make the York like that, the I suppose I might go back on what I said earlier in the thread But seriously, a couple of nights for local bands, and some for DJ's would be great. And some nice big comfy leather sofas :yes:
  3. I know the buildings been there for decades (at least), but did they not completely refit the inside of it like they did with Carmel house recently? Fair call theripsaw I suppose. Its a sad reflection on the demand for retail space in Sheffield city centre. If there were companies seriously looking for space they would happily take the GAP unit and work with it to what they want (there would be no question about this happening with a prime unit in Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham etc.)
  4. See my post above ^^ It seems many of the closing stores are becomming Barcleys... The unit was built to fit GAP not very long ago. It's possibly the most 'prime' unit in the city centre and will become moreso after the completion of Sevenstone. I would be surprised if they couldn't find a retailer to fill it (and if they couldn't it would be more a problem with the state of Sheffields current retail offering than the unit itself)
  5. Has the one at Meadowhall not downsized recently? Also, it seems to me the excuses the give for the unit not being suitable for retail are just that - excuses. I'm making a guess that GAP already have a deal with Barcleys that the bank can take over it's old stores. Both the Hull and Leicester stores that have closed are becomming (/have become) Barcleys...
  6. Yeah, it's shut down completely. I think GAP are having problems anyway (I don't buy the complaint about the unit not being right). They've also closed stores in Hull and Leicester and are looking to close in other locations too... Why the hell we would want a Barcleys to open there however is a completely different question...
  7. I've walked all round canary wharf taking photo's, and not ad any problems...
  8. The pub is basically a local for all the students in the area when they come back from uni, and I know it has a lot of regulars who are ex-Tapton (and current Tapton) school students. Thursday was possibly more busy than usual as most head to the York before going down to the Plug (it's a weekly thing for many of us...). Although it's generally pretty busy on Mondays and Fridays too (although I don't know about Saturdays as I don't tend to go out then) Anyway, I'll let you make your own mind up on it as you have the experience in the field
  9. Like I said, make sure you don't estrange the students otherwise you'll loose a lot of custom...
  10. BTW Goldenfleece, sorry if I came across as overly against the idea earlier. I'm just a bit worried what's gonna happen to one of my favorite pubs (as I'm sure most people would be about theirs). I'm sure you'll do a great job and i'll be sure to check it out once it's under new management. When does the refurb/switching over everything happen?
  11. Ah, I hadn't realised that. So has it already been sold? They're still accepting Yellow Cards in there Obviously students are only part of the market, but they are a very large part, especially as there are no other decent student pubs in the area. You say there's a lot of 'unrealised potential', it needs to be 'community refocused', and it's 'lost it's true identity'. As I've said I just hope this doesn't mean 'it needs turning back into an old mans pub' (you've said it wont... so I'll wait and see). I'm not trying to slate your plans as we haven't even seen any yet and I'm sure you will do a good job. Just stating my thoughts on the matter
  12. I hear you've purchased (or are looking to purchase) the York Goldenfleece...? IMO this is the best pub in Broomhill and currently my 'local' (yes I'm a student - well, not technically at the moment). Yes it's studenty, but it really is one of the best student pubs I know (us students need out pubs too ). It doesn't have a great selection of Beer, however is it cheap, has a reasonable Beer garden a good atmosphere and does decent food during the day (i'm not gonna pretend it's anything amazing, but it's decent enough). If you go ahead with taking over the pub, I have confidence that you'll keep it decent as is the Dove and Rainbow, just whatever you do, please don't turn it into an 'old man' type 'local boozer' (also don't forget your target market in that area will mostly be students...) Personally I don't think it really needs any changes other than maybe some more interesting beers. I assume that you would not go under the YellowCard franchise that is has at the moment...?
  13. Kanye West's 'Graduation' album. Now normally I can't stand RnB (or at least most of the current stuff), but this is actually really good. Ok, it's still got one or two songs about Bitchz and ho'z, but in general it's good!
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