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Anyone been to Egypt??

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After reading some forums on egypt we are considering cancelling our holiday now. the things i have heard have totally put me off and im honestly frightened to go.

Mainly the fact that the men leatch over the women even if they are with their boyfriend/husband etc. Ive read about women getting touched up and all sorts.

Also it being so corrupt like security guards stealing your money in the airport and being very 'hands on' if you disagree.


really dont know what to do about this holiday now :confused:

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Oh gosh dont let it put you off, as long as you are sensible nothing will ahppen. I was warned about this too and was very nervouse but I never really had a problem, yes some men would stare but it was no worse that walking down West Street of friday night. I noticed that as we were walking down the main strip some of the guys would whistle (not liek wolf whistle, nore like a low whistel), we worked out it was there way of saying tall blond bird about to walk past your bar so the guys form the other bars would come on to the street, occasionally the odd guy would make a comment but like I said no worse than some of the fools who go out in town. As for security I htink it was more than their jobs worth to even try it. Security was really high and I never felt in danger or even intimidated.

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By the way classic rock what month are you going ?


End of June :cool:


We've got a week on the nile in a 5 star boat through Preferred Egypt.

After that we're off to Cairo for 3 nights then Luxor for 4.

5 star hotels at each.


The agent said that you should always book 5 star, because it equates to 3 star or less in our understanding. Anything less than 5 star will be poor.


To avoid getting touched up or stared at, women should cover their shoulders and not wear very short skirts or shorts when walking around....so it says in a guide book.

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After reading some forums on egypt we are considering cancelling our holiday now. the things i have heard have totally put me off and im honestly frightened to go.

Mainly the fact that the men leatch over the women even if they are with their boyfriend/husband etc. Ive read about women getting touched up and all sorts.

Also it being so corrupt like security guards stealing your money in the airport and being very 'hands on' if you disagree.


really dont know what to do about this holiday now :confused:


Are you saying that women don't get letched at, here in Sheffield, whilst in pubs and clubs and even just walking about the city minding their own business?

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End of June will be hot hot hot. You will not be going out in the mid-day sun !


Which hotel in Luxor are you going to ?


Never really come across any females that have been harassed, but over the years I've seen many scams at the airport. A few months ago the latest one was excess baggage weight - payment only acepted in cash -if it happens to you watch that they are not stood on the scales - they usually are. The airport is full of scams, it's a cash cow to them, but don't be afraid to confront they soon back -off.


In Luxor there are police every couple of hundred yards, any problems just call one over and it will disappear, the locals are terrified of them.


All this sounds dire, but you will find most Egytians warm, friendly and with a good sense of humor.

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Are you saying that women don't get letched at, here in Sheffield, whilst in pubs and clubs and even just walking about the city minding their own business?


No im not saying that doesnt happen. What i have read is the men will not leave the women alone often ending up with the women being groped and hands up skirts in public whilst their partner is there. Also being very intimidating and aggressive to the women and partners. I find this beyond offensive and i know if someone tries this with me my boyfriend will smack them one. I dont mind someone casually looking at me (i had that in rome alot and was fine with it) but being sexually assaulted is a different matter.

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No im not saying that doesnt happen. What i have read is the men will not leave the women alone often ending up with the women being groped and hands up skirts in public whilst their partner is there. Also being very intimidating and aggressive to the women and partners. I find this beyond offensive and i know if someone tries this with me my boyfriend will smack them one. I dont mind someone casually looking at me (i had that in rome alot and was fine with it) but being sexually assaulted is a different matter.


Don't knock it love the time to complain is when men stop letching after you.

when I was in Egypt never had any trouble neither did anyone else on the boat when they went round Luxor.

I don't know if I am Bragging or complaining.:hihi::hihi:

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It will be very hot end of June but you'll do your sightseeing early morning to be back before it gets too hot. I'm sure you'll love the Egyptian people, they are genuinely friendly,kind,generous people. I might be biassed though :hihi:

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Are you saying that women don't get letched at, here in Sheffield, whilst in pubs and clubs and even just walking about the city minding their own business?



Exactly ! I'm sure they can cope really ! If you dress with 'respect to the local culture; you shouldn't have any problems.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, has anyone stayed at this hotel in Shark's Bay, Sharm el Sheikh. When we booked it there was very good reviews on Trip Advisor but of late its been having really bad reviews. We've only paid a small deposit so far and I'm in two minds about cancelling. Just wondered if anyone had been and if so what you thought of it.

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