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A question to religious people?

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I don't think those that are devoutly religious COULD give up their beliefs for money. The actions and rituals associated, maybe, but these are not the fundamental aspects of any religion; the belief is.

Works the other way too, I think.

A fervent atheist may be persuaded to carry out the actions etc of a particular faith for enough money, but money alone will not make them believe in any god (unless perhaps, the God of any religion would like to hand me the money personally ;) )

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Yes, tell me where I need to apply. For a billion (or even much less) I would adopt any religion anyone cares to name.


Cliff, It's much easier to get people to pretend to accept a religion than for the confirmed practitioners to give theirs up. Look at the American 'Bible Belt' preachers, they're only in it for the money, but they talk a good game.


If you were offering vice versa, for that much money, I'd even become a muslim. After all, if you're rich beyond the dreams of avarice, you don't have to obey any rules, anyway.


As evinced on "Heaven and Earth" this morning, the rich people in Teheran dress how they like and aren't afraid of the 'religious police'. I was chortling at the government sponsored fashion show segment ... that was hysterical. The funniest thing was that the senior policeman who was moaning about how women dress, was wearing a grey suit and a white open necked shirt. I'd have paid more attention to his ranting if he'd been wearing something a little more traditional himself :rolleyes:

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