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Originally posted by Foxxx

But the post is about spelling, not grammar! :loopy:


Yep, and thats why i made the earlier post about spelling. I was just pointing out with the grammar bit that nobody is perfect and it doesn't really matter. It'd be boring if we all wrote like robots. :loopy:

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I don't mind really so long as I can understand what is being said but please don't do the text speak thing that DOES drive me mad. :nono:


In fact I think it is quite bad mannered when members of the forum pick others up for their spelling errors.

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In fact I think it is quite bad mannered when members of the forum pick others up for their spelling errors.


os od i, i hintk ti si rdiciluous taht spleling si os ipmotarnt ot oyu otl. ti doetsn tterma as ongl sa uyo knwo hwat ti yass.


what if someone is dislexic? jusy because maybe they have difficulty spelling, doesnt mean they should download something that checks every word, people should be comfortable and confident that what they write isnt going to be critisised just because they cant spell. its kinda like saying that if you have an accent then thats bad, that you should speak in "Queens English".

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I'm dyslexic and spell checkers never helped me, because i often get words mixed up even though i spell them correctly. The other thing i do all the time, is miss S's off plurals, and there is no program to catch that either, so i'm screwed either way.


I am also really bad at spelling, i must point out, can't pretend that i'm not.

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thing is if you get words mixed up, but use all the letters as i did above, youll find its really easy to read it as our brains do not rad the words in order, so it makes no difference.


so your not screwed as you put it!

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I have a lot to do with someone who is dyslexic, and this kind of posting is just the thing that would make them never venture onto a public forum. Ok so all of you perfect people in this world are damned clever and know exactly what is right and what is wrong. Well bloody bully for you let's hope non of your relatives ever have something less than a perfect existence, and if they do see how you feel when some lame brain with nothing better to do criticises the way they spell or walk or look. or maybe you would like to put them into a home so they don't upset your perfect way of life. GET A LIFE.


owdlad. ( who doesn't give a s**t if spelling or punctuation is good so long as the subject is worth reading)

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Calm down :D


There's only one saddo on this forum who consistently picks on people for spelling errors. From my reading the general concensus is that spelling accuracy isn't very important.


Anyway IMO it's bad manners to draw attention to such things, and I was dragged up to believe good manners were important....you know - RESPECT :|

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I'm with owdlad on this one. Some people obviously have nothing better to do in their life than post a thread criticising spelling. Good for nothing busybodies..probably the type that correct your grammer when talking to them...'it's whom..not who!!!' :loopy: :loopy:


Oh by the way Mimicraze...its Dyslexic....just kidding :)

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O.k. . . I can see arguements and reasoning for both sides of the fence here. . .


Some users have inherrent issues with spelling, punctuation and grammar. . which is acceptable. . as its something we accept as part of a diversive life and taking people as they are.

Its easy to see if someone is trying to spell correctly and making honest mistakes by how the mistake is made. .


On the other side of the coin, we have some users that deliberatley use alternate language and (in my opinion) pointless replacing of words for numbers and other charicters. The only reasons for this are either i) the offender thinks its cool and hip to use this new-breed txt speach on text messages and is taking it too far

ii) or the offender likes the text speach, due to its lack of effort required and is simply lazy and would rather press less keys.


If it's the latter and it is pure lazyness, i.e can't be bothered to type properly (and that's easy to tell too) . . . then on that same token. . . I cannot be bothered to read it. . .


Its about eqaulity. . . I try to post grammatically correct. . and I know that i am far from perfect. . but I do use as much S,P and G as possible out of respect for who-ever is reading it. .


Take for example. . .


I'm expecting to meet a friend later for dinner and i'd hope to see you there too. .

Im seeing a m8 l8ter 4 t and hope 2 c u there 2


The first line has a constant stream of regular information in a format that is completely standard.

The second is a lazy effort of the same information, which you have to decipher and de-code and then try to understand it. .


It also can take a couple of second takes to read and realise whats said, which takes longer than just reading a line of proper words and sentences. . so on that note. . . your lazyness is stealing my life. . .


I wouldn't say i'm opinionated, but I can see many facets to this arguement and there some of 'em.

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