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Anyone got Christmas Decorations up yet?


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No way! Its not December!!!! Xmas comes fast enough each year as it is without us starting to celebrate/prepare for it earlier :rolleyes:


Mine goes up around the 10th, depends when we get round to it. Mines usually up far longer than is normal though, we both always wait for the other to take it down. We've been known to have the tree up still in February. :blush:


I think i get it from my dad...i was once on a bus that goes past my dads house and you could see his tree in the window (i think this was mid january) and this woman in front said 'oh look they've still got their xmas tree up" and made a puzzled face. Dad took the tree down that week.lol

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Noticed last night there is a house on wordsworth avenue that has loads of lights in the garden and all over the front of the house.

I would like to take a picture but not sure If I would be allowed to take one and post it on here:huh:

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