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Yobs attack swans in doncaster

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I am sorry but i have to agree with MarkB in some ways. We have threatened them with jail and penalties the RSPCA and RSPB have worked till there asses off to prevent and stop cruelty to animals but look at this article...its still happening.

The swan is the queens bird, which shows that these cruel heartless sick B*****ds are not only killing an innocent and beautiful bird but their also disrespecting the queen and i'm sorry but that makes it even worse.


A puppy gets thrown against a wall and the person who did it gets a slap on the wrist. I think its time they brought a better and more severe punishment upon these sick animal abusers.

Bythe way before anyone says anything i am planning to be an RSPCA Inspector and i plan to put my veiws across to them that they need to do more.


From a very distressed Fallen!!!

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We pay good money to breed the pheasants then we let them have the chance to escape if we miss, whats this got to do with the mindless shooting of swan in park? Pheasants are breed to be shoot at

I'm not condoning the shoot of these swans but the outrage does seem a little hypocritical when the same people aren't bothered about other birds being shot for "sport".

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Shooting swans is not cricket. Yet part of me yearns to eat one. I can imagine that Demoiselles of Swan would taste delicious.However, the birds are in theory out of bounds for the bon viveur and gourmet, being the property of our own dear Queen. I crave what advertisers describe as an 'exciting eating experience', and Swan would fit the bill jolly nicely. Never mind, I will have to be content with hunting Deer in my Landrover late night at Chatsworth, and the Osprey egg omlettes.

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Yeah, take off the jokes and leave the threats of violence. :confused:


Agreed, it's really mean shooting swans. What about pheasants, grouse etc?


I was horrified when I read about it in the paper but, having thought about it since, I really don't see why these yobs are any more evil than those people who go out shooting pheasant, grouse, rabbits, etc for fun. Maybe these yobs can't afford to join gun clubs?

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I was horrified when I read about it in the paper but, having thought about it since, I really don't see why these yobs are any more evil than those people who go out shooting pheasant, grouse, rabbits, etc for fun. Maybe these yobs can't afford to join gun clubs?

yes those gun clubs are the haves and not your common man as it is very expensive, also you need a posh 4WD and a few dogs to look the part,i doubt the yobs shooting swan can afford our sport

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