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Legalities/ages restrictions for piercings.

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I was horrified today to find out a young girl in my sons class had her belly button pierced yesterday. She is in Y2 ... ages 6/7.


I cannot get over how irresponsible that is of her parents to let their child be mutilated in such a way. Now don't get me wrong, I have my fair share of piercings and I love them, I just

DO NOT agree with piercings on small children. Ears are bad enough, but a naval piercing is down right horrendous.


I also belive that the piercer has to take responsibility for this too. Who on earth in their right minds would do this to a child? Most reputable piercers have notices up saying no body piercing under the age of 16, even with parental consent. When I had my nipple pierced at Primal on West Street, my then, 2 year old, fast asleep son wasn't even allowed in the shop in his buggy! I was pretty impressed by that.


Are there any rules/legislation regarding ages and piercings?


Can piercers mutilate children in this way as long as the parent says it's ok?


I have no idea who the peircer was but IMHO they want closing down!

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Unfortunately, theres no law regarding age limits on piercing. As long as the parent gives consent, its legal for a minor to be pierced (except for nipple and genital piercings). Any good piercer would refuse to pierce anyone under 16 even if they did have parental consent, but, as has been proved here, there are some less-than-good practitioners out there. Id personally find out where she got it done and get health and safety to pop in and check up on them. Id also make sure everyone I know was told about them, and reccomend they dont go there. Just out of curiosity, any idea who did it for them?

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  • 2 years later...

today i got my belly button pierced and i'm only 14. they said they would pierce anyone of any age as long as they knew exactly what they were doing and were in the right mind. i had 2 have my mum sign a thing though 2 say i could have it. i think 6/7 years is way too young though, fairy normal, i think it is outragious.

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I join you in your outrage FairyNormal- quite apart from anything else, what's supposed to happen to the piercing as the child's body changes as she grows up?


I'm sure when she's grown up looks back at the scar tissue resulting from a grown out piercing that she was too young to give informed consent for in the first place, then the little girl may well agree with you too.

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That is shocking. There is no way a child that young can provide proper care for the piercing and keep it clean enough to prevent infection. These aren't things to mess around with, wasn't there a teenager in Sheffield died after a lip piercing became infected last year? As Medusa mentioned, this piercing is likely to grow out, and in a child of this age whose cells are reproducing rapidly, it'll happen very quickly.

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Oh my goodness thats shocking that a girl aged 6 or 7 has got her belly button pierced!

I got mine done when i was 12 with my mums permission, because she understood how much i wanted it and it wasnt just a phase i was going through where i would get it done then get bored with it.


Surely the piercer knew she was that young? Yet they still allowed it?

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