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Police cordon next to vine pub


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I've worked next door to it for 10 years and I've heard all sorts of stories of muggings/rapes/attacks/indecent exposure/stabbings in there in that time.


This is exactly the sort of incorrect hysterical rumour and hearsay-without-bothering-to-check-things-like-facts I was referring to in my previous post.


It may be sensible to avoid the cemetery/Frog Walk after dark, but please don't spread mendacious exaggerations.

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We receive numerous emails from security after people who work in the smae building as me, have been attacked/harassed/whatever.


I remember an example of each of those things happening, since I worked there. I'm not saying it's any more dangerous than other parts of the city, just that I wouldn't want to go in there. It's a no go area. Fact. Surely what happened last night backs that up to a degree?


I've had mates mugged for their phones in there, I remember a poor lass getting dragged in there a couple of years or so ago and attacked/raped. People I work with have been followed through there and flashed at by dirty old men. Does that make me hysterical? They're not rumours mate.

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Please keep this in perspective. While what happened last night was terrible, incidents at the cemetery are VERY few and far between, happening no more often than at any other park or public space in the city. The rape that you mention Stoff actually happened at Frog walk NOT in the cemetery.


It is an unfortunate fact of modern society that it is never a good idea to go anywhere secluded on your own at night, but please don’t frighten people away from the cemetery by scare-mongering. A lot of hard work has gone in to landscaping the site over the last couple of years to encourage people to use the site more. The original paths have been reconstructed, new seating has been installed, and the Montague Street end has become more open and welcoming. The cemetery is now used, and should continue to be used, in so many ways from walking and ball games to picnics and festivals.

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I stand corrected about the rape. And yes things happen in other parks too, course they do. I woudn't go in many of those either, at night.


Don't get me wrong, Claireybell! I go in there most days. You're right, some great work has been done there. The festivals in there this summer have been good too. It's a beautiful old place and I thoroughly enjoy it/appreciate the recreation work done there. A lot of promotional work has been done to educate the local kids etc and to promote nature to the general public, and that's fantastic. The cemetery itself is very interesting. The rock displays in there too. It's a very peaceful place to sit and read, but it's just not wise to go in at night, that's all I'm saying. Besides which, it's dark and tha can't see owt!


Sorry, I don't mean to put people off. I actually applied for a job there a while ago and also to live in the flat opposite the office at the other end, over the river, so I'm not anti cemetery! Just...be careful.

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I was flashed in there the other week. Don't know why he bothered, I had quite a good look and it was nothing to boast about.


I know it might not seem like the worst crime ever, but a friend of mine was flashed once, and he then followed her home. She called the police, and they said they always take flashing very seriously because people who start off doing that are more likely to go on to more serious offences. Always worth reporting, even if you just call 101.


I was flashed once too, and just tutted and carried on, but if it ever happened again I'd definately report it.


Hope the stabbed man is ok.

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We receive numerous emails from security after people who work in the smae building as me, have been attacked/harassed/whatever.


I remember an example of each of those things happening, since I worked there. I'm not saying it's any more dangerous than other parts of the city, just that I wouldn't want to go in there. It's a no go area. Fact. Surely what happened last night backs that up to a degree?


I've had mates mugged for their phones in there, I remember a poor lass getting dragged in there a couple of years or so ago and attacked/raped. People I work with have been followed through there and flashed at by dirty old men. Does that make me hysterical? They're not rumours mate.


If there is one example of a crime in a ten year period, you should not put it in the plural, then imply that that crime is a regular occurance. It is deeply misleading and that is what i meant by 'hysterical' (One businessman on Cemetery Road proclaimed there were 'loads of rapes all the time in there' when he actually meant there was one, that wasn't even in the cemetery.)


Regarding the flashers and 'dirty old men' etc, have any of you reported any of it to the police or the cemetery trust, or do you just complain about it among yourselves? I do hear largely what has and hasn't been police business in the cemetery. If there is a persistent or serious problem, it gets discussed in the office, workers are made aware, it's discussed at meetings etc (and yes, the police are called). If people don't come forward they can hardly complain if a problem persists. I don't recall anyone at the cemetery having been approached by anybody from Norwich Union about the crime wave you refer to. Feel free to correct me on that.


Yes this stabbing is dreadful and I feel very much for the man, but the vast majority of people who use the cemetery are not fearful of it as they can put things in perspective. I just hope some sensationalists don't escalate it into 'loads of stabbings', which unfortunately is what I think may happen.


EDIT - was typing while the other posts were appearing. :)

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If there is one example of a crime in a ten year period, you should not put it in the plural, then imply that that crime is a regular occurance. It is deeply misleading and that is what i meant by 'hysterical' (One businessman on Cemetery Road proclaimed there were 'loads of rapes all the time in there' when he actually meant there was one, that wasn't even in the cemetery.)


Regarding the flashers and 'dirty old men' etc, have any of you reported any of it to the police or the cemetery trust, or do you just complain about it among yourselves? I do hear largely what has and hasn't been police business in the cemetery. If there is a persistent or serious problem, it gets discussed in the office, workers are made aware, it's discussed at meetings etc (and yes, the police are called). If people don't come forward they can hardly complain if a problem persists. I don't recall anyone at the cemetery having been approached by anybody from Norwich Union about the crime wave you refer to. Feel free to correct me on that.


Yes this stabbing is dreadful and I feel very much for the man, but the vast majority of people who use the cemetery are not fearful of it as they can put things in perspective. I just hope some sensationalists don't escalate it into 'loads of stabbings', which unfortunately is what I think may happen.


EDIT - was typing while the other posts were appearing. :)



There has been more than one occurrence of some of those crimes, ie the mugging/attacks/flashers. As far as the rape/stabbing is concerned I don't know. Surely one is enough for people to be wary?


I for one have never reported anything because I have never been in that situation. As far as I'm aware, the staff concerned report it to the police themselves. The most we ever hear of it again is when an email circulates among staff advising that the police have been warned.


Quite often, the warnings come from the police themselves.


Like I said, I use the cemetery and the park a lot. Most days in fact. But you wouldn't catch me using it in the dark.


I wonder how many people who work at NU would walk through there alone at 2am. Nobody I know, that's for sure.

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