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Should fat people pay more tax?

Guest Mod_Man

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Surely obese people pay more tax when they are buying the extra food they consume, probably stood behind you when you buy your fags ;)


So that kind of puts the tax strain theory out of the debate.


What makes you think fat people necessarily consume more food. It may be they have a thyroid problem, which means the food they do consume gets processed more slowly .. hence weight gain.


While we are on the subject of you paying more tax on your fag habit, overweight people will indirectly pay tax on the packing and transport of their food...hence, more food eaten, more tax paid - it will be reflected in the overall price of food.


Finally, how much a year do you think heavy drinking, drugs, garafitti artists, benefit scroungers, gamblers, sucide and car crash victims, cost the tax payer.


I say we stop doing all these things ... save all us taxpayers a small fortune.

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we'd all have to start taking legal prceedings against geoff and co. for making up such an addictive forum and making us not do vigorous exercise!!!


Sorry, but if I can manage to get exercise around forum addiction, then so can you!

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Sorry, but if I can manage to get exercise around forum addiction, then so can you!


think i need one of those exercise bikes that you have to keep pedalling to keep the pc on! that might work. i'd love to join a gym, with a creche, but they're so expensive, so i sit here and moan about it instead



and also why can't i get smilies!?!!?!

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There are 3 types of Diabetes :)


Type 1 can cause rapid weight loss, type 2 can cause weight gain and type 3 happens during pregnancy.


All I will say is that if Fat people should pay more tax then so should people who consume alcohol and smoke :)


Tit for tat I say :D

They already do - hugely. What's the current tax on a pint of beer or a packet of cigarettes????
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I keep reading recently that obese people persistantly, in tests, come out as living longer than the thinner people.

They are not sure how this works as it is contrary to all that has been thought right. Not clinicly obese just fatter than was originaly thought good for them.

A case of fatties strike back ??



yeh that sound great, to be fat an old.

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I've heard people say this before, but it's just not the case. People are overweight because they eat too much. If energy taken in is less than energy expended, you end up overweight. Simple as that.


are you kidding - if i could lose weight don't you think i would!! if eating 3 proper meals a day (including my 5 potrions of fruit n veg), i don't smoke, i don't drink much, i walk everywhere as far as possible, play footie with my son and so on, i do sit ups (i'm not a flabby fat person just well and evenly stacked, am relatively toned no beer gut or anything) and being perfectly healthy is wrong - then please set me up a diet/exercise plan!

It's a bit harsh to assume that i overeat.

But then obviously i must be a gluttonous pig, must take up more than my one seat on the bus, and live off pies and lard sndwiches.

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