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Is this the right or wrong time to buy a house?

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lets hope not, there would be a civil war in this country considering the equity whats been used up on prperty. dont get the same reaction when rents contstantly go up tho do you. greed greed and more greed , thats all it boils down to, in my opinion if you buy property its a gamble like a lot of things. some you win some you lose ?

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Guest poppins
Originally posted by Jamie

Is this true ?


Are house prices heading for a downward turn !? ...


Thats because the interest rates are climbing up again, property prices come down then.

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I think interest rates will stay steady now, and house prices increases will slow down, but probably wont fall in most areas of the country. They put interest rates up partly to pull back house prices as they were spiraling out of control. They have achieved this so have no need to increase them further.

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Prices are not falling, but they are not rising as fast as they might have once been doing.


People are not willing to go silly now, the effect of the increase in interest rates reflects directly on the pocket... people are realising that.

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Originally posted by dudu

I don't think they will drop that much in Sheffield (though not go a lot above the asking price), but have already done in London and SE.


I think you're quite right that prices won't drop much - if at all really - in Sheffield, because Sheffield house prices are relatively reasonable compared to other places in the UK. (Yeah, yeah, I know prices are out of this world, but you do still get a lot more for your money in Sheffield than most other cities).


2-3 years ago we were trying to move to Leeds (breathes sigh of relief that it didn't happen in the end) - and the house prices were completely unbelievable! And they just kept going up! Ended up the asking price was something like #200,000 plus for a (very) ordinary 3 bedroomed house in an ok area. And that was just for starters - people were apparently putting in offers WAY over that.


Mostly seemed to be fuelled by Buy to Let :gag::rant: - runs off to clean mouth out.


Schadenfreude I know, but I'm looking forward to Leeds prices dropping! :clap:


StarSparkle :D

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