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The Big Sheffield Graffiti Thread

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A while ago I was walking through the underpass near St Marys church (it goes from outside Staples to the church) and someone had "redecorated" the tunnels with large posters of sea creatures and changed the sign post to point to "Undersea world" and "Sheffield Sea Life Centre" etc.

The posters were realy good, done in a 3-D "magic eye" kind of mosaic effect, and the whole effect was realy impressive.

It's all gone now and the bare walls are back, I think the council have removed all the posters.


I'm not sure who did this, but does it count as vandalism/graffiti when it improves the environment?

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Originally posted by nick2

A while ago I was walking through the underpass near St Marys church (it goes from outside Staples to the church) and someone had "redecorated" the tunnels with large posters of sea creatures and changed the sign post to point to "Undersea world" and "Sheffield Sea Life Centre" etc.

The posters were realy good, done in a 3-D "magic eye" kind of mosaic effect, and the whole effect was realy impressive.

It's all gone now and the bare walls are back, I think the council have removed all the posters.


I'm not sure who did this, but does it count as vandalism/graffiti when it improves the environment?


This is the sort of thing that the council should be doing to make the city a nicer and more welcoming place, not wasting money tearing it down. I've seen things like this in other big cities (although admitedly not in this country) and i think they really add character to a place, it just seems that other cities have more imagination. :(

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Originally posted by kilauea

Try reading the thread patchy.


The "proposal" I agreed to, put forward by t020 was that anyone could spray what they wanted on anyones house in a "free for all" <- his words not mine.


I wouldn't like my house covered in graffiti though, and it certainly wasn't a proposal. If you support the idea of a graffiti "free for all" though then you should welcome your house being covered in graffiti, so thanks for your address via PM, I will go about it shortly.

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Originally posted by t020

I wouldn't like my house covered in graffiti though, and it certainly wasn't a proposal. If you support the idea of a graffiti "free for all" though then you should welcome your house being covered in graffiti, so thanks for your address via PM, I will go about it shortly.


tsk tsk...you're nothing but a repressed graffiti artist waiting to be given the green light to spray away arn't you?.....and now you've got it ;)

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Originally posted by t020

I wouldn't like my house covered in graffiti though, and it certainly wasn't a proposal. If you support the idea of a graffiti "free for all" though then you should welcome your house being covered in graffiti, so thanks for your address via PM, I will go about it shortly.


OK retard - just for you here is what YOU said...


"So you'd support a free for all where everyone and anyone can have their say and paint it anywhere they like without any regard for other people?"


I think the key word in there is EVERYONE. Not just YOU. I didin't say I would LIKE my property painting on - just that I would welcome a free for all such as you described.


However if you really feel you must paint my place then crack on and make it witty. I'll be waiting....

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Originally posted by kilauea

OK retard - just for you here is what YOU said...


"So you'd support a free for all where everyone and anyone can have their say and paint it anywhere they like without any regard for other people?"


I think the key word in there is EVERYONE. Not just YOU. I didin't say I would LIKE my property painting on - just that I would welcome a free for all such as you described.


However if you really feel you must paint my place then crack on and make it witty. I'll be waiting....


Yeah it does sound like backtracking to me, too. You don't mind it, think it looks nice, so long as it's not in YOUR neighbourhood.


I've known a few "talented taggers" and "artists" in my time, and as nice as they may have been, they weren't in it for any social or political reasons. They were bored and liked the infamy of it.


It's a loppy habit for teenagers. No wonder they carry on if they have supposedly intellegent adults encouraging them.

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