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Quran and Modern Science - Conflict or Conciliation?

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Meaks - stoppit! You've made me giggle now and I want to be serious :)


Was it Old Mother Shipton that predicted a lot of modern day stuff too? Lived in a cave somewhere that turned things to stone? Later bought by Paul Daniels - the magician? The cave, not OMS. And Nostradamus as already mentioned - although he wasn't quite as specific as the old lady.


You might as well say that most science fiction writers also had a direct line to god, as they predicted a lot of scientific things too which did or are coming to pass.


Also the Old Testament has a lot of prophesies in it about the beginning of the world and its future, so presumably the Qu'ran copied some of that into its books when "the prophet" came along?


I will watch the vids soon and then comment more relevantly to them.


It’s clear you've not watched that video. The Quran is not about predicting the future nor is it a book of science. The video is about things that were not known about the Quran that are now because of advancements of modern science. If the Quran had been from any man then there would have been many contradictions. This video is about showing that the Quran is in perfect conciliation with established science.


The video is not about fulfilled prophecies. As far as the Old Testament or the new one there are many unfulfilled prophecies and other scientific and mathematical errors that cannot be attributed to god.


Quran copied from the bible? If there are two history books does one have had to have been copied from the other? Wouldn’t the Quran have copied the parts that are untrue, the errors? I can elaborate if you want.

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There are lots of conflictions in Islam in general. According to the Hadith mohammad was a pedophile :suspect: however most muslims seem to attempt to deny this, possibly to avoid bringing up the fact Islamic law allows underage brides, oops :)


i dont know where you get this stuff from but hardly accurate.

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i dont know where you get this stuff from but hardly accurate.

It will take you a while to read through the proof, but here you go :)


Click here - That site by the way is not a right wing site, just dicusses faith.


It up for debate, but the proof seems to explain itself.

And I suspect slightly controversial... :hihi:

It is, because if you question this fact, you question the whole of Islam, great isnt it :thumbsup: I'm not up for causing trouble though, its just an interesting article I came accross recently. Which points out a contradiction in Islam.

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pink_ninja awaits your response. *sitting here biting nails*


Don't sit there too long, you might have no nails left :D


I will look when I get some free time but I'm not really into religion as you probably have gathered. Although I did get a distinction in Religious Studies when I was at school :D I'm quite interested on an intellectual level but not an emotional one. I can't understand people who are religious, there's just no common ground where I can relate to them. To me, it's like still believing in the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus when you're adult.


I was with six of my old classmates on Sunday and out of the six of us, after 50 odd years of life, four were still committed RC. You either have Faith or you don't. If you have it, it's almost impossible for anyone to provide any argument to persuade you otherwise and if you don't, the same applies. I've never had it, not even as a kid, although I rather liked the idea of having a Guardian Angel, whose job it was to be devoted to me and keep me safe!


It'd be really nice to think that everything is in the hands of an Ultimate Power who cares about us all individually, but really - deep down - we all know that the only person that cares about us and can help us, is ourself.


We should stop trying to shuffle the blame for the way the world is off onto some random Deity and get on with the job of sorting it out in a fair and rational manner. IN MY OPINION. :)

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i dont know where you get this stuff from but hardly accurate.


What jimbob is referring to is that Mohamad married Aisha, a six year old girl, and had sex with her when she was nine. At this time he was well into his 50s. He was 63 when he died nine years later and Aisha was by then still only 18. Of course, moral standards vary from era to era and from culture to culture, but the basic facts outlined above are I believe accurate and accepted by most scholars.

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It will take you a while to read through the proof, but here you go

It up for debate, but the proof seems to explain itself.


Read as much as i could however in one instance its noted 6 then 7 then 9 years old so i think these are interpretations of hadiths are personal opinion rather than fact jimbob. Islamists believe that consumation of the marriage took place after puberty and nothing to prove otherwise on this link apart from someone bringing there own preconceived idea's on the discussion.


Interpreting any scriptures into your own words is difficult as it draws in an individuals idea's.


"for he who has not sinned cast the first stone"

1 A parable to not judge some one or 2 advocation of prostitution?


(I believe 1)

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i dont know where you get this stuff from but hardly accurate.

Are you saying Bukharis Hadith isn't accurate 4U2NV??

Bukharis Hadith, Book 58, No.236

Just scroll down to number 236. Read it yourself, then no one can accuse me of getting my information from 'Anti-Muslim' websites.


"Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old."


Please note, Muhammed was 52/53 at this point.

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