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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Of course not to you ,and others here!


But there's another World outside!  :)


Stay safe!


They were claiming the laptop story was fake not so long ago, now that Mr Musk is outing the deception it's suddenly old news 🤣, I never thought I'd live in a world where someone trying to expose the truth was seen as the bad guy, these people are totally and utterly where the MSM and their paymasters want them to be, incredible.

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21 hours ago, trastrick said:

You seriously need to re-calibrate your (very selective) "outrage meter" to reflect the reality of forum posts.


Accusations of "conspiracy theorists", "Putin puppet", and the relentless  accusations of poster's dire mental instabilities hurled with wild abandon on this forum, seem to float below your level of cognition!  :)




"Conspiracy theorists": Guilty.

Your eagerness to inform us here in the UK of the evils of world socialism penetrating  every aspect of US politics from your perspective in a third country, is not short of a conspiracy theory or ten. 


"Putin puppet": Not guilty.

What I said was "Your, and the American far-right position of appeasing Putin by demanding that Ukraine surrender has been totally discredited by the tactics and brutality of the Russian Army and their mercenaries towards the civilians in the territories they occupy."


Dismissed as no evidence of "...accusations of poster's dire mental instabilities" submitted. 


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9 hours ago, top4718 said:

They were claiming the laptop story was fake not so long ago, now that Mr Musk is outing the deception it's suddenly old news 🤣, I never thought I'd live in a world where someone trying to expose the truth was seen as th e bad guy, these people are totally and utterly where the MSM and their paymasters want them to be, incredible.

Sheep get shorn!


It was ever thus! :)


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16 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

"Conspiracy theorists": Guilty.

Your eagerness to inform us here in the UK of the evils of world socialism penetrating  every aspect of US politics from your perspective in a third country, is not short of a conspiracy theory or ten. 


"Putin puppet": Not guilty.

What I said was "Your, and the American far-right position of appeasing Putin by demanding that Ukraine surrender has been totally discredited by the tactics and brutality of the Russian Army and their mercenaries towards the civilians in the territories they occupy."


Dismissed as no evidence of "...accusations of poster's dire mental instabilities" submitted. 




In spite of your elitist attitudes as expressed here, this Forum is not just about YOU!  :)


You might want to go back a few pages!


It's on the record! All a part of the back and forth, here!


I pay it no heed, (unless it is "denied", of course!  :))



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9 hours ago, top4718 said:

They were claiming the laptop story was fake not so long ago, now that Mr Musk is outing the deception it's suddenly old news 🤣, I never thought I'd live in a world where someone trying to expose the truth was seen as the bad guy, these people are totally and utterly where the MSM and their paymasters want them to be, incredible.

So, everyone from right-wing oddities and Trump ring kissers like Gorka, through Trump-critical but still right-wing bods like George Conway plus right-leaning journos have said that the most astonishing thing from the Musk 'revelations' is that he's no idea about the First Ammendment. 


No, You Do Not Have a Constitutional Right to Post Hunter Biden’s Dick Pic on Twitter




Why MAGA Republicans and Elon Musk are so adamant that people be able to post photos of Hunter’s johnson is something that should probably be explored with their respective preachers or psychiatrists, but it is certainly not a matter for constitutional scholars or litigators. While Mr. Lisbon from the Virgin Suicides may derive a depraved type of happiness from publishing pictures of other people’s genitals on a private company’s public bulletin board without the approval of those pictured, the First Amendment does not bestow upon him the right to prevent the company from taking down the offending material.


To sum up what we learned: Big penis, little news, First Amendment not under threat.


Given that Hunter Biden's laptop proved to be a limp dick of a scare story in the run up to the 2020 election I'm surprised that Musk's running with it again in the run up to this week's Georgia run-off, though I suppose now the story has taken a literal bent it might lather up a few Trump stans {as we've already seen on here).


Meanwhile, Trump is losing whatever's left of the dried up little mouldy pea he calls a brain, calling for the Constitution to be suspended so that he can march into the White House and reclaim the 2020 election.  And suppression of Hunter Biden's dick pics is the story you're all running with.  Priorities are wild.


Oh, and Jack Dorsey apparently admitted 18 months or so ago that he thought Twitter made the wrong decision to remove some of the Hunter Biden photos, so it's not only old news but news that's already been thrashed about and dealt with.  Yet another womp womp fail.

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39 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

"Conspiracy theorists": Guilty.

Your eagerness to inform us here in the UK of the evils of world socialism penetrating  every aspect of US politics from your perspective in a third country, is not short of a conspiracy theory or ten. 


"Putin puppet": Not guilty.

What I said was "Your, and the American far-right position of appeasing Putin by demanding that Ukraine surrender has been totally discredited by the tactics and brutality of the Russian Army and their mercenaries towards the civilians in the territories they occupy."


Dismissed as no evidence of "...accusations of poster's dire mental instabilities" submitted. 


Trastrick loves to claim that others have said things they clearly haven't, sprinkling the claims with a few misremembered or misstated 'quotes'.  Now, whether he does this deliberately in attempt to discredit the poster, or whether it's some sort of sub-Freudian thing where he's genuinely substituting something he's conjured up himself for others' words, I've no idea.

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21 minutes ago, Hecate said:

whether it's some sort of sub-Freudian thing where he's genuinely substituting something he's conjured up himself for others' words, I've no idea.

Your diagnosis may well be correct.


I'll check with my psychiatrist first thing Monday morning!  :)


Thanks for the heads up!


Edited by trastrick
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14 hours ago, sibon said:

It is currently Neil Oliver using the broadcast media to bang on about restrictions to free speech.


Rather ironically.


My gammonometer gave it a score of 9.4/10.

I just watched a bit of a Neil Oliver on GB News video.  Proper car crash stuff with the delivery and charm of a hostage made to quote Nietzsche (really) on video.  It was like some poor, sad bloke's YouTube channel filmed in a basement.  Genuinely surprised and a bit worried about him and the idea that people are actually lapping it up.  Very odd stuff passing for a news channel.


12 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Your diagnosis may well be correct.


I'll check with my psychiatrist first thing Monday morning!  :)


Thanks for the heads up!


Again, your words not mine.  I think you're just being a provocative arsehole with the misquoting stuff, but you do you.

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