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Dame Maureen Lipman


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Why is it that the people who matter are always overlooked? the workers who spend their entire working life with one employer, they gave or give loyalty from the very first day on the job, some worked in atrocious conditions but they carried on, I do realise that people have to be nominated for an award but why do the majority have to be from the entertainment industry, Mary Berry getting an award is just a joke, “ services to cooking” ??, I doubt very much she had to be at her workplace at five or six o’clock in the morning, my mother had to be at work at six a.m. six days a week, one winter the snow was so bad the buses and trams stopped running and she walked to work from the Manor Estate to Woodseats, my Mrs and I walked to Ecclesfield a couple of times due to icy weather.

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12 hours ago, cressida said:

She did have one but it fell off

That's just an age thing - you get used to it after a while ☹️

10 hours ago, cressida said:

NHS desperately need more staff,   HGV drivers are being paid more and so should the nurses imo

I'm a lorry driver & I'd love nothing more than to be a Dame :blush::lol:

30 minutes ago, lazarus said:

Why is it that the people who matter are always overlooked? the workers who spend their entire working life with one employer, they gave or give loyalty from the very first day on the job, some worked in atrocious conditions but they carried on, I do realise that people have to be nominated for an award but why do the majority have to be from the entertainment industry, Mary Berry getting an award is just a joke, “ services to cooking” ??, I doubt very much she had to be at her workplace at five or six o’clock in the morning, my mother had to be at work at six a.m. six days a week, one winter the snow was so bad the buses and trams stopped running and she walked to work from the Manor Estate to Woodseats, my Mrs and I walked to Ecclesfield a couple of times due to icy weather.

Not quite true Lazarus.

True story.

A very good friend of mine's mother worked in a canteen right up to retiring, she was awarded an OBE or something with a collection of capitalised letters. T'was a police canteen mind you.


Keep safe out there 8)

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18 minutes ago, lazarus said:

Recipients do have to be nominated by friends or someone who’s aware of their work and it is true.

I wasn't questioning your post at all Lazarus, just pointing out that some ordinary folk do get recognised. 

How they are recognised as deserving an award over others who do the same job & are just as diligent I don't know.


I do know the 'Free breakfast's' were welcome :lol::suspect::lol:


Keep safe 8).


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2 minutes ago, cressida said:

Quote Rockers -  I'm a lorry driver & I'd love nothing more than to be a Dame :blush::lol:


Do you like dressing up then?🤣

I've never been confused Cressida.

Leather jacket, skinny faded jeans with turn ups, greased back hair, boots or brothel creepers & Ted suit if going out.

Never played the 'Named' brand thing (unless you count Wranglers or Lewis Leathers) :lol:.


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