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Mental Health In Lockdown And Beyond.

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Whether it's anxiety about lockdown, health, loneliness, jobs or money, there are a lot of very worried people out there, and mental health is taking a real pounding. This thread is for them. Let's do what we can to help each other through it. Positivity, Reassurance and Compannionship required please not politics.  

Helpful Links / Support:


The Samaritans (Confidential Phone or Email) - https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/contact-samaritan/

Andy's Man Club - Post #3

Help for older people and Telephone friendship service;  'Silverline.' 0800 4 70 80 90 or thesilverline.org.uk Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

Give Us a Shout (24/7 Text Service if you are struggling / in crisis) - Text: 85258 or https://giveusashout.org/


Dear Forum... You have to message one of the mods/admins with what you would like posted if you wish to remain anon. We post it anon via the Dear Forum... account. We then delete the DM we have received and don't even tell the other staff where the message has come from. The only people that know is the mod in question and the person who sent it.

UK Men's Sheds https://menssheds.org.uk/find-a-shed/


Also some links in - https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/topic/471994-covid19-sheffield-help-thread-read-first-post-before-commenting-please/#comments


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One for the guys out there. Andy's Man Club meet on a Monday evening for 2 hours. Men getting together to talk about what's bothering them .... sharing troubles and helping each other.


Totally free - no referral needed - no paperwork either.


We meet in a safe space, with confidentiality and no judgement at the heart of what we do.


Over 18's only, we have guys in from a range of backgrounds 


E mail: info@andysmanclub.co.uk for more details and access to our groups.



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Help for older people and Telephone friendship service; 



0800 4 70 80 90 




Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year,


A Telephone contact. Especially useful I think for people without computer access, (but then they won't be reading this will they?) so please spread the word to those who might find it helpful.  

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Shout is a new text service apparently, a mate posted it earlier on facebook about mental health issues




Shout is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.
Text: 85258

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I found an IAPS course very helpful, although some people don't rate them. Ask your doctor about them. (Not sure if they will move online during lockdown. ) And there's an app called Headspace.com which is good for meditation and mindfulness. The basic version is free, beyond that there's a subscription fee. 

I've never gone beyond the basic version, as there are plenty of free meditation apps online. 


I don't know how to do zoom, so that's beyond me, but I hear it's brilliant for joining in groups. Anybody got any experience of it?

I don't do drugs ((actually, thats not true, my medication cupboard is rammed 🙂) and only have the very occasional alcohol binge. I don't recommend it 'cause of the morning after🤮 Personally my everyday way of escaping out of my head is a good book or a film on the telly. Sorry if that sounds twee, but it works for me. 


And of course, I let off steam on Sheffield Forum! Lots of interesting stuff on there.

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10 hours ago, Groose said:

Hey forumers, think we could get some imporant links together to help those who maybe struggling for whatever reason! (We can add them to Anna's post or Anna maybe able to help with doing that?)


The Samaritans (Confidential Phone or Email) - https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/contact-samaritan/

Hi Groose, wasn't there a system in place on this Forum some years ago, where you could post not using your regular user name if it was something personal that a poster might feel embarrassed about?

I don't know how it worked or even if it's still possible, but if it is, maybe you could explain to people how to do it. 


Not that there's any reason to feel embarrassed in this day and age, but just thinking some people might prefer that option.

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I had a strange experience on Friday.


I'm not normally a "down" sort of person, in fact, the complete opposite. But having lost my job and then Covid has meant my people contact has been limited. 


On Friday, a lady came to my house to deliver my Covid test (I'm doing weekly tests as part of an ONS survey) and after completing the swabs, I found myself just prattling onto her for quite a while. After a few minutes I realised what I was doing and apologised for hijacking her time but she was really nice. Apparently I was her last call of the day and she was only working on the survey to get out of the house as well.


It did get me thinking - what is all this time at home, alone, doing to me without me realising it?


I'll finish with a positive though - the next time I'm in a supermarket checkout behind an older person and they're spending a few seconds/minutes talking to the cashier, delaying my "busy" life for a while, I'll not mind. Been there, bought the t-shirt.

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7 hours ago, Anna B said:

Hi Groose, wasn't there a system in place on this Forum some years ago, where you could post not using your regular user name if it was something personal that a poster might feel embarrassed about?

I don't know how it worked or even if it's still possible, but if it is, maybe you could explain to people how to do it. 


Not that there's any reason to feel embarrassed in this day and age, but just thinking some people might prefer that option.

The Dear Forum... is still there yes!

You have to message one of the mods/admins with what you would like posted. We post it anon via the Dear Forum... account. We then delete the DM we have received and don't even tell the other staff where the message has come from. The only people that know is the mod in question and the person who sent it.

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