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Naked Attraction.


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Seen plenty of naked bodies when I was a nurse but usually laying prone on a bed.! After pulling back the bedsheets I often came across a male who's private parts were erect.! A cold wet flannel was thrown over " it". :roll:


Standing to attention?


Should have given it an agressive swipe with your hand, starting from the paitents tummy and going down to his knee :hihi::hihi:

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Seen plenty of naked bodies when I was a nurse but usually laying prone on a bed.! After pulling back the bedsheets I often came across a male who's private parts were erect.! A cold wet flannel was thrown over " it". :roll:


It brings to mind a story told by a nurse friend who encountered a bolt upright patient in similar circumstances. She enquired if the patient would like a little hand massage to bring things back under control.


When he said yes, she said she would be back in 10 minutes when he had finished.

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I watched a bit of the repeat on Channel 4....

I did laugh though when after commenting on the large size of the male members on display, the presenter said to the female contestant "what do you think about your lady bits", and the female contestant said "it reminds me of a beef sandwich". The camera close-up revealed that she was not wrong :blush:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did the contestants go on a date after and did any end up going out long term or having permanent relationships, like Blind date? Imagine dating purely on the basis of their genitals?

What a shallow program this appears to be.

Still I suppose it's no different to men that go to lap dancing and stripper's clubs.

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Did the contestants go on a date after and did any end up going out long term or having permanent relationships, like Blind date? Imagine dating purely on the basis of their genitals?

What a shallow program this appears to be.

Still I suppose it's no different to men that go to lap dancing and stripper's clubs.




Or women that have male strippers :nono::nono:

Edited by rogets
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