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Rising Sun, Hope valley


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It has gone into receivership repeatedly over the last few years, sadly, so it wasn't a great surprise to see someone pulling the plug on the place.


I'd love to see someone take it on to turn the site into reasonably priced housing for locals, but I know that this isn't likely to happen.

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I’m sorry to se such a beautiful building going to rack and ruin much the same as the Marquess of Granby.

I have other reasons to remember The Rising Sun though, my mum went into service there aged 12 years old,she’d never been away from home or her family before and she was frightened to death.She had one afternoon off a week,and she had to walk most of the way back home unless she got a lift on a cart.

The owners at that time had a son a bit older than my mum, and his main ambition was to get these young nieve girls into trouble.my mum was carrying a tray ful of Crystal glasses to put them away, when he sneaked up behind her and got hold of her,she then dropped the whole lot of glasses and most of them broke,they were expected to pay for any damage out of their wages,so she knew she would never be able to leave,so she asked this toerag where the outside toilet was,thinking he was on to a good thing he took her down the garden to show her,she immediately pushed him in the toilet and locked it.she then went and got her scarf and left.When she was alive we could never pass it without saying I wonder if he’s still there ? LolI think her wage was 2shillings a week

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