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No DSS when renting.

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A few of them might do that. I doubt very much every single one of the HMODaddy's properties gets trashed every time a tenant leaves.


I don't think it's all damage done necessarily out of spite as they are leaving, it's how a lot of them choose to live. They live in filth, they don't clean themselves let alone the property. They don't take care or maintain themselves let alone furniture inside the property. Once you know this, you're not going to spend much on the refurb really are you. It's easy to judge the HMO guy, but how many people who knock him would be happy to invest their OWN money and take the HUGE FINANCIAL RISKS he has. You don't just suddenly have 100+ properties. To get to that level you have probably taken a LOT of risk.

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I don't think it's all damage done necessarily out of spite as they are leaving, it's how a lot of them choose to live. They live in filth, they don't clean themselves let alone the property. They don't take care or maintain themselves let alone furniture inside the property. Once you know this, you're not going to spend much on the refurb really are you. It's easy to judge the HMO guy, but how many people who knock him would be happy to invest their OWN money and take the HUGE FINANCIAL RISKS he has. You don't just suddenly have 100+ properties. To get to that level you have probably taken a LOT of risk.


Don't get me wrong I'm not judging the HMODaddy. He's in a section of a business sector where he has to be cynical and tough. His cynicism is what separates him from the amateurs who get done over. He fills a gap in the market. In many respects he has to operate the way he does.


My sadness is not about the HMODaddy himself

but rather that there isn't something better and more support for people.

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i watched it, i enjoyed it


although..........those places hmodaddy offers, they arent houses, they arent even flats, nobody should be made to live in places like that, let alone for almost £100 a week, i pay just over £100 for a 3 bedroom house in a decent, and generally expensive part of nothern england

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i watched it, i enjoyed it


although..........those places hmodaddy offers, they arent houses, they arent even flats, nobody should be made to live in places like that, let alone for almost £100 a week, i pay just over £100 for a 3 bedroom house in a decent, and generally expensive part of nothern england


HMODaddy is operating in a part of the country where property is much more expensive to buy in the first place. So that is why the rents are higher, but he's having to pay a lot more to start with. Nobody is "made", "forced" or anything else to live there. They view the room, they choose to sign the agreement. Are you going to set up shop to house them mel?

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HMODaddy is operating in a part of the country where property is much more expensive to buy in the first place. So that is why the rents are higher, but he's having to pay a lot more to start with.



should try living here, barely any to buy under £200.000, although thats changing slightly now

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Come on mel, I at least expected a balanced view from you, anything to say about the other situations in the show?

yeah i swung both ways during the show


it was heart wrenching watching anna and the other woman having their lives torn apart

but like i said, that daddy just come across as a money grabbing tosser, cramming as many people into his myriad of houses as he could, most rooms prolly wernt as big as my youngests room and you cant swing a cat round literly

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HMODaddy is operating in a part of the country where property is much more expensive to buy in the first place.


Are you sure? He was in the Midlands. I can't be bothered to do it for you but you could google the house price index for the areas he operates in. I'm sure it won't be that high.


But here's an example. One of his houses we were told can generate £6,000 a month in rent. A £500,000 repayment mortgage over 25 years costs £2,500 a month. But you and I know he'll be doing interest-only so that's £1,600. But those houses weren't worth anywhere near £500,000. Maybe not even half that.


It's no sob story mate. It's a massively lucrative rentier operation, subsidised by the tax payer.

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Don't tell me ... The OP is a lanlord? No doubt he has picked up the public mood towards lanlords these days and is trying to put his side across. Well that doesn't change anything, I'm afraid.

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Topic title

THIS is why Landlords mostly state NO DSS / LHA!


HMOdaddy is basically targetting people on benefits/lha,

so why you have this as title and link him in the first post,

he targets those as he says, have split with there partners and have no where else to live,

he also says in the film its all in the price of the rent,

but then he charges those on benefits/lha an extra £15 a week for service charges, but not working people.


He knows that most of his tenants have issues so he has rooms ( bedsits ) that are just enough room to live in, only just enough room,

theres no real space for some one to add a cooker or anything else, basically they have to make do with what they got,

some can only have a micro wave to cook there food in,


They are in cramped confined space when they are at there most vunerable state and the properties dont get them back on there feet

nor give them a home, they are a box.


He does not even like his dog to go into the property's in 1clip he tells his dog not to go in because of the mess, he himself had not got through the door at this point,

so he knew before hand, he must have been in, but still takes his dog

just using it as a show point, poor me.


He says about how they left it, what does he expect, he has targetted a market where they have problems and put them where they will feel worse not better, where to get back on there feet, feel pride in them selves and in there surrounds,

will never happen,


This is a great film, it shows you what LL's to not get involved with,

he is there too make as much as he can with no interest in anyone in his properties or his own properties, as he only go's to them when they become vacant,



Some LL's dont take people on LHA or Benefits,

thats there choice i have no problem with that, but not all that claim are like all the ones in this, some do look after there homes, just like some workers do,

theres good and bad in working and none working, same with LL's

Joining a site where LL's get to see records of past tenants from other LL's will help you choose, so will credit checks

( remember you need future tenants permission under the data protection act )

but after all that, its a bit of luck and that gut feeling,

same with us tenants, some LL's you meet you realise instantly or shortly after that you should not move into there property.


I have visited 2 properties through 1 lettign agency that posts on here

that where not much better than the state some of the property's where left in on this prog,

first was a bedsit ( kitchen lounge in 1, bedroom seperate )

there was still the previous tenants clothes there, including baby furniture

damp in the bathroom and totally undecorated,

the 2nd, had mould in the fridge, the carpets where all old and filthy cobwebs actually hanging in like clumps from ceiling and light shade, looked like a smoker had lived there and never done anything to it in god knows how many years.

This agent still posts on here and from what i was told, the 2 i looked at and another 3 or 4 are owned by them directly.


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