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Dog walking in packs


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It doesn’t help because we were discussing dogs being walked on roads without a lead. The information in the link is not pertaining specifically to this. Also, a ‘rule of thumb’ is just that and might not be actual law. It was a long time ago that I looked into the issue of dogs being walked without a lead on a road but at that time I was unable to find any legislation which indicated that it was prohibited except in streets that displayed a sign. There are some dogs that are well trained off lead and are under the control of the owner.


no of leads in parks and public places


---------- Post added 18-10-2017 at 15:43 ----------




My Bold


Only the owner knows that, i know some people that if they see a dog being walked off lead or even on a lead in the street they will cross over the road, simply they (quite rightly in my opinion) dont trust dogs. you must have heard about so called placid dogs attacking members of the family?

as i have said above my dog is as daft as a brush, would i trust it implicitly, not ever with any dog


I would never trust my dogs walking off lead next to a road, there only needs to be a cat or another dog and they being social would want to say hello ! howcome you wouldnt trust your dog with another dog ? dogs are pack animals

Edited by Kensmith
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My Bold


Only the owner knows that, i know some people that if they see a dog being walked off lead or even on a lead in the street they will cross over the road, simply they (quite rightly in my opinion) dont trust dogs. you must have heard about so called placid dogs attacking members of the family?

as i have said above my dog is as daft as a brush, would i trust it implicitly, not ever with any dog


no of leads in parks and public places


---------- Post added 18-10-2017 at 15:43 ----------



I would never trust my dogs walking off lead next to a road, there only needs to be a cat or another dog and they being social would want to say hello ! howcome you wouldnt trust your dog with another dog ? dogs are pack animals


My Bold


My apologies, what i ment was, i wouldnt trust any dog implicitly.

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My Bold


My apologies, what i meant was, i wouldn't trust any dog implicitly.


ah ok , we were also discussing professional dog walkers who walk large packs of uncontrolled dogs , of which I am seeing more and more , vans packed full of dogs.


---------- Post added 18-10-2017 at 16:25 ----------


Most professional dog walkers will have terms and conditions . these have been taken from a dog walkers site .



Our Terms of Service are as follows




1 xxxxxx will walk the Dog described below for the time and

on the days mentioned below from the Client’s address,

unless some other address is shown below.

xxxxx reserves the right to walk other dogs at the same time,

but the total number of dogs walked with one person at one time will not exceed [4]. Our Dog numbers policy is a maximum of 4 however we retain the

right to walk more in the event of a last minute call from one of our clients or

an emergency.( no more than 5)

2 xxxxx will walk the Dog on other occasions by arrangement.

3 xxxxx will provide this service either personally by xxxx & xxx


4 The Client will either ensure that access is given to the xxxxxx to collect

the Dog from the agreed address at the agreed times or provide xxxxxxx with

a key to the place where the Dog is kept. xxxxx will use the key to

collect and return the Dog and for no other purpose and will keep it safe,


(only a reference to the address will be the dogs name with the key not the actual address)


for security purposes we not let anyone else have it, not copy it and will return

it to the Client on demand, at a reasonable time.


5 The Client will supply suitable collars or harnesses and leads [and when

necessary muzzles] for the Dog and any coats or other accessories which the

Client wishes to be used. xxxxx will be entitled to refuse to walk the Dog if

a suitable collar or harness and lead [and muzzle] is not provided and to be

paid in full as though that walk had taken place.


6 xxxxx charges are at the rates and are payable at the times set out


7 xxxxxx operate within a one hour window of the designated time for pick-up.

8 The Client will inform xxxxx fully of any characteristics of the Dog

which needs to be known for handling and care of the Dog.

9 xxxxx holds insurance in respect of the death, loss or injury of dogs in

xxxxx care and shall have no liability to the Client for any claim in respect

of the Dog, except such claim if any as covered by the insurance and admitted


by the insurer.

10 xxxxx will inform the Customer of any incident or anything which

xxxxx notices about the Dog, which as Dog owners the Client ought to know.

11 xxxxx will keep the Dog on a lead whenever out of the house, will take care so far as is practicable both that the Dog is not a nuisance or danger to anyone, or any other animals and that no harm comes to it. Off lead permission for woodlands and parks are required

xxxxx will supply a plastic bag and small shovel and use them on all walks to remove

the Dog’s faeces and ensure that Dog does not foul any public or private place.


12 The Client will provide the xxxxx with details of the Dog’s inoculations

and contact details of its vet. In case of need xxxxx are authorized to refer the Dog to the named (or in emergency any other) vet for advice or treatment at the Clients expense. The Client undertakes to reimburse to the Vetinary all expenses incurred under this clause.

13 xxxx is not required to feed or water the Dog. However we are happy make sure your dog is always left with water after a walk..


14 Either party may terminate this notice by not less than one week’s notice to the

other at the address given in this agreement.

Edited by Kensmith
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I'm a professional dog walker and my insurance covers me for only 6 dogs, and to my knowledge all insurance only covers up to 6. As dog walkers we always have safety of our dogs and the public as the ultimate priority. I keep away from busy areas with my pack and don't ever go anywhere where children may be and unleash my hounds. When dogs are in packs they get a 'pack mentality', and will stay with the other dogs. I haven't had a dog run off from my pack and haven't heard of this happening from other dog walkers. Most of us are a professional bunch as we run our services and business as our main income.

As a dog owner myself I understand not everyone likes dogs and I trained my dog to not go up to anyone.

Edited by ParkPals
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Many thanks for this post.

A lot of good sensible stuff there.

I wish the packwalkers would adopt these kinds of Ts and Cs.


Well these are my T&Cs I had it written by a solicitor( who has been a long term customer ) , he saw the need to protect my customers and myself protect . I also have T&Cs for rabbit boarding etc , I think it’s very important to show professional standards of care for dogs , cats and small animals .

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vwkittie - the last time I checked, and discussed the matter with a dog warden I was surprised to learn that it is not an offence to walk a dog on a road without a lead but you must be in control of it. However, if there is a sign on the road (usually sited on a lampost) stipulating that dogs must be on a lead then yes, it is an offence not to obey. The local authority should know of all the roads in their area that are covered by this bylaw.

If you could provide a link to the appropriate road traffic legislation it would be very helpful.




Unless this has been superseded or something now which is possible, to me this is saying pet dogs have to be held on a lead on roads.


Perhaps the warden was talking about walking along a pavement? I think the above is referring to actually on the road itself.

Edited by vwkittie
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Unless this has been superseded or something now which is possible, to me this is saying pet dogs have to be held on a lead on roads.


Perhaps the warden was talking about walking along a pavement? I think the above is referring to actually on the road itself.


as far as I am aware that is true , we were trying to talk about dogs off lead in parks .

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  • 5 months later...

I'm hearing rumours that some 'professional' dog walker lost a dog up near a reservoir recently during the snow and ice. The dog wandered off, fell in, and drowned. Owing to the ice on the edges, it couldn't get a grip to get out.

Shockingly, the dog walker didn't notice it was missing until they got back to their starting point.

Anyone know if this is true?


Dog walkers in that area walk up to 14 dogs at a time, most of them off the lead. Easy enough to miss the occasional dog, I suppose. If it happened, I wonder what story they told the pet's owner?


Mind you, the record anyone has seen up here is 24 dogs being walked together, mostly off the lead, by three professionals walking their packs together. These people must be dead good at their jobs to be able to run so many at a time.


On their web-sites - they know who they are - they have photos of themselves out walking with 3 or 4 dogs, all on leads. Cunning that, because it leads the owners to believe that little Fido is being looked by a proper dog whisperer. Really, they are just mugging the owners off. Trading Standards should have a look at this.


It's not just that, but I wonder if the pet insurers know what's going on? I'm sure they would be charging higher premiums if they knew what was really happening. So, they are probably being taken for a ride as well.


The Council - and to be fair, between the student games debt legacy, the austerity regime imposed from London, and the national PR disaster over the trees, you can't really expect too much from them - they seem to hope that if they have a nice meeting every couple of years with dog walkers everything will work out fine.


The lesson for dog owners is: if you want your dog walking by someone else, ask around, and don't believe everything you see and read on web-sites.

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