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What do you hate about Sheffield?

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I think it's definitely getting better, and has a bit more about it than ten years ago.


The one thing that I find depressing and frustrating is going to the city centre to do a bit of shopping and being swarmed by obese people with thousands of kids, and handfuls of Greggs sausage rolls, which they slurp down their throats everywhere they go. It just makes navigating the street a bit tricky.


(btw before the fat society begin their uproar: i used the politically correct word 'obese') :thumbsup:

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What I don't like in a simple nutshell:


Chavs thinking the rule the place

Castle Markets uninviting state

Pot holed roads

Town centre being a bit of a tip (the only nice part of it the peace gardens being tucked away down some steps)


The Manor area

Not much use of good old Sheffield style lingo now a days tha knows I'm tellin thi, where's mi cuppa lass? Tha spawni eyed ferret faced wazzack thee :D

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It was a sad day when Redgates' closed their doors for the last ever time... Killed that end of Town forever IMO... Only 2 good shops on the Moor now, Woolie's and Gamestation.


The rest are all Mobile phone shops or Poundland... I ask you what the chuff is the point of having 2 seperate Poundlands in shouting distance of each other? :loopy:

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The terrible state of the road: potholes just too many.

Traffic congestion: cars just too many.


Dog poo wherever go:Too many dogs.

Dog owners who don't take their poo away with them, ditto.


Mainline a Bus e drivers just too much abuse.

People on buses and elsewhere who use foul language, not necessarily swearing, just too inappropriate for mixed company :young children etc.

Supermarkets or banks with eight tills ony ever two are manned ( why build eight in the first place ?)

People who moan too much ... whoops .


I suppose most of this would apply to most cities but I hate to see Sheffield looking and feeling scruffy.


I love the trams, just wish they could have kept the original colour , far more class.

I love Manor operatic society , best in country; probably.


P.S. anonimity

if I knew what meant, I would dislike it to: probably

otherwise its ok then.:help:

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What I loathe is Sheffield's diabolical one way systems and the way that at midday mid-week you STILL run into traffic jams. Whats that all about then?


I used to live in the city centre just behind the National Blood Bank building but whenever anyone with cars waned to visit we usually had to resort to going out looking fo them cos they got so impossibly lost (not that we were hard to find just that the one way system was so damn difficult to find your way out of).

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What I loathe is Sheffield's diabolical one way systems and the way that at midday mid-week you STILL run into traffic jams. Whats that all about then?


You should try Manchester, at least Sheffield has no traffic after 6pm.. In manchester I get stuck in traffic even when it's past 10pm!

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The fact that in Birmingham (where my girlfriend is at university) the maximum bus fare is £1.20 and students ride for free, here it costs me and our lass £3.70 each just to get from deepcar to wharncliffe side and back, hardly discourages drink driving does it?!

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