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Anyone here from Attercliffe?


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Hi Linda 2 I have sent you a pm with my e mail ,by the way the I know the identity of the person that set of the jumping jack , I can see it now we all never laughed so much never seen anybody climb up a pole as quick,your mam came out and told us all off.

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HI Linda I remember my gran making toffee for bonfire night, and we used to sit on the chairs untill they gradually dissapeared onto the fire , not sure what went off in the top lavvy maybe I was too busy eating the toffee to notice.[/QUOTe




who was your gran? my mam used to make bonfire toffee

i remember shimming up the washing post when someone set a juming jack off and we thought doreen womack was going to go into labour with laughing so much






HI Linda my gran lived across from you near the gravilles and I used to babysit for your susan when she moved up the manor

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Hi commongirl ,I keep getting your pms which I think you think you are sending to Linda2 (does that make sense) I used to live on Bee Street I still can not think who your gran was I know the Taylors lived at one side of the Granvilles ,Hansons on the other,did your gran live in the house before the Taylors moved in.Please let me know.

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Do any of you people from Bright Street remember a family called the 'Andrews' - the eldest daughter called Susan?
did she live on the same side as the pearces and have a sister called diane if she did my sister used to play with diane but i am not sure of there surname
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hi lindi, i think we may have a clue here to who commongirl is bcause it states she used to babysit our sues kids and i think the mgees moved to the manor same as sue?

come on name and shame common girl


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