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The Consequences of Brexit [part 4]

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Do you believe any reports? And by reports, I mean predictions Not a pop, genuine question.


Of course reports have plenty of useful data but I don't take macroeconomic conclusions as predictions. That's especially true where the report is from a group which has such a dismal reputation for their output.


I've watched so many people get so excited at pro remain economic predictions and invited anyone to explain why I'm wrong but it's awfully quiet in that score.


I wonder if the penny may finally, embarrassingly, be dropping for a few people who are now thinking that they might have been taken for mugs by important sounding people with important sounding reports that are only good for firelighters.


If there's one thing I've learned about the public sector and big business in the last 30 years it's that they spend inordinate amounts of time, effort and money, to keep things exactly as they are.


---------- Post added 02-02-2018 at 21:27 ----------


See post 6238.

I gave my Remain reason in a nutshell.

Please give your Leave reason similarly.i.e your own opinion.



Search for my posts on the geopolitics.

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As evasive and obfuscating as ever.


---------- Post added 02-02-2018 at 21:51 ----------


All my investments, upon which I depend for much of my income, continue to do just fine.

I haven't changed anything for 15 years and they perform better than inflation. If anything, they have shown some additional growth this month.


Well,thanks for sharing that.

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Good job that you're here then.


Please give us the facts on why the latest 'leaked' government report should be believed any more than all the previous wrong government reports. Or if you can't manage any of these seemingly incredibly elusive facts, just give us your opinion.


All the reports, from various organisations, point in the same direction.


There are no counterpart reports (that I know of) that model a future where we are better off under Brexit than we would have been if we didn’t leave.


The ‘plans’ that leading Brexiters have presented have frequently and quickly fallen apart.



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